20 Dec Why You Should Have a Password Manager
A Password Manager Makes it Easy

Logins, keyphrases, passwords. You hear about them all the time, and use them all the time. That’s because passwords are the first line of defense between your valuable data – personal or professional – and the ravenous hordes of cybercriminals looking to cash in on your info.
“But,” you begin to say, “my password is really good!” And to that, we say, oh really? Look, we understand. Passwords are a pain to remember and use considering you need so many, and when it’s recommended to have a different password for every login, website, or app, it gets tricky. Naturally, you think, it’s best to use one login for every website, right? Those data breaches won’t affect you!
Password problems
Here’s the problem: data breaches have wide-reaching consequences and happen with alarming frequency. In fact, we’ll give you a secret: the modern world is pathetically underprepared for the advance of cyber-threats. However, that’s a subject for another time. The point being, while you might think your logins are kept safe in the Fort Knox equivalent of a data server, this isn’t true. Major companies suffer breaches all the time, and that means your precious login is lost right with the deluge.
So what are we getting at? If your password was compromised, and you use a simple login for multiple websites, well, it doesn’t matter if there was only one data breach. The savvy hacker and third-party can make use of your credentials and apply them to other websites and logins you use. So, SuperHunk47 with the password “coolguy,” turns out you use that name, login, and email for your bank too. Then what happens? Well, hackers aren’t going to play Santa and inject $100 of extra cash into your account, we’ll tell you that.
Adopting a better strategy
You get the idea. Data breaches happen, meaning you can’t rely on the “security” of companies to keep passwords safe forever. Therefore, you need a range of complex logins for each website to prevent loss of personal info and credentials. Granted, easier said than done. Even the savviest of IT users will forget a login if it’s not frequently used. And though it’s tempting to try and “fool” the third parties with your very clever “qwerty” login, hackers are well prepared and have an entire library of basic logins they’re prepared to brute force past.
So, ideally, what you need is a complex login with numbers, caps, and all the obnoxious things you don’t like. But, there’s a bright side. A password manager – be it for professional or personal reasons – is your ticket to better logins, increased safety, and convenience.
It’s as simple as it sounds. Password managers vary in their use but are typically deployed in web browsers. Essentially, they track and record your logins and store your passwords in an encrypted system. When you need to login to something, the manager remembers the login you’ve customized (safer than it getting auto stored on a browser like Chrome, too).
If you’re still having trouble, an MSP can assist you and your business with good management and login assistance.
Find out what Bytagig can do for you by contacting us today!
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