Certification For Your Business

Secure your digital assets, safeguard your reputation, and achieve TTPN certification with our "done-for-you" cybersecurity program

The Media & Entertainment industry is facing an increasing number of cybersecurity threats. Data breaches, intellectual property theft, and digital piracy are putting the reputation and revenue of companies at risk. That's where Bytagig comes in. We provide a comprehensive "done-for-you" cybersecurity program specifically designed for the Media & Entertainment industry, helping you achieve the prestigious TTPN certification and ensure the protection of your valuable digital assets.


When you partner with Bytagig, you'll get:

Our Process

Our “done-for-you” cybersecurity program follows a proven 4-step process to ensure your organization achieves TTPN certification:


We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your current cybersecurity posture, identifying vulnerabilities and potential areas for improvement.

Strategy Development

Our team collaborates with you to create a customized cybersecurity strategy that aligns with your business objectives and addresses identified vulnerabilities.


We deploy our state-of-the-art security solutions, integrating them seamlessly into your existing infrastructure to ensure a secure digital environment.

Ongoing Support

We provide continuous monitoring, updates, and support to maintain your TTPN certification and ensure your organization’s cybersecurity remains strong in the face of evolving threat.

Let Bytagig help you achieve TTPN certification and secure your organization's future in the Media & Entertainment industry.

Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation and discover how our "done-for-you" cybersecurity program can transform your busines

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions relating to TPN certification and its benefits.

TPN stands for Trusted Partner Network, and is the original content protection certification for the film and television industry.

It applies to all media and entertainment companies- helping them assure their client that their film and television content- such as movies, films, videos, and shows are protected from leaks, breaches, and hacks.

The accreditation provides peace of mind and an additional point of confidence in companies regarding security preparedness. If a service provider has a TPN certification, clients are more likely to believe that security threats will be avoided.

Prevention of breaches and general content security should be a core business principle for any company hoping to be successful in the film and media industry.

Content owners generally want- and often require- assurances before agreeing to partner with vendors who will handle their unreleased content, and TPN is arguably the leading program.

When working on any projects- or bidding to do so- it is standard practice for clients to request a complete cybersecurity assessment. Often, studios conduct these independently- so you could end up having to go through the process time and time again. With a TPN certification, that is not necessary.

Because TPN is an industry-wide global network, all studios recognize it- and will, in most cases, take it as confirmation that a business meets the required standards.

It is used by major leading entertainment industry services- including Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, Netflix, and Amazon Studios- so having the certification looks good for smaller businesses looking to secure clients’ trust and confidence.

Another benefit of implementing TPN in a business is reassurance from within your ranks that things are being handled the way they should. Data leaks and breaches are problematic for content owners- but they also damage a company’s reputation. It can be hard to recover from- so it is better to limit all risks however possible.

A TPN assessment is essentially an audit for vendors to check how well the current security standards and handling processes hold up against the framework’s requirements.

An assessment report will cover digital, physical, and cloud security- as well as current development practices and workflow handling standards. Each element is compared to TPN compliance standards, and an overall risk temperature is taken.

From there, the appointed TPN assessor will identify any areas that do not conform with the program’s standards and detail the possible remediation plans.

It is important to note that compliance is entirely voluntary- but a TPN certificate will not be awarded to any business that does not.

Bytagig helps companies with TPN assessment preparation- ensuring everything is in place and up to standard before applying for accreditation. We also assist with the application- and continue to support with compliance regulations once the certificate is awarded.

Yes, it is. The TPN program is wholly owned by the Motion Picture Association for use by the global media and entertainment industry.

Bytagig does not own it- but is a trusted partner in helping businesses get set up on the network using authorized supporting assessment materials and certified professionals trained in the system implementation.

The MPA content security best practices are designed to benefit all institutions and organizations that are in any way connected with the media and entertainment industry at any point in the supply chain.

It is built in a way that it can be used as a standalone program- or be combined with other programs for optimal security awareness.

TPN tackles content security from multiple angles- including an anti-piracy certification, cloud security, and protection for those working from home.

It puts measures in place to prevent leaks and any other breaches- and creates a readiness plan to tackle issues as content passes through the supply chain.


Working with the Trusted Partner Network allows content owners and every provider they work with in the journey from script to screen to simplify the security and safety processes- ultimately creating a more streamlined, successful approach to protecting content.

Contact Bytagig for Your TTPN Certification Today!

For more information about any of our services or to request a quote, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you and we can’t wait to share our ideas to help your business succceed.

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Contact Bytagig for Your TTPN Certification Today!

For more information about any of our services or to request a quote, contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you and we can’t wait to share our ideas to help your business succceed.

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