Why third-party IT resources are more important than ever

An unfair reality faces the modern small business: they’re outmatched and outgunned by enterprise-level IT/cybersecurity.

That is to say, in a climate where the need for comprehensive IT and cybersec solutions is stronger than ever, SMBs are left struggling. By no fault of their own, SMBs lack both capital and staff resources for IT solutions. Compared to larger companies and enterprises, they’re woefully outgunned. Larger companies can afford to scoop up the already limited market of cybersecurity experts, which leaves SMBs in a vulnerable bind. And, considering threat events such as ransomware attacks can sink a business, it’s an intimidating prospect.

Even with tools and automated resources such as AI analytics and machine learning, a lack of human input makes it difficult to translate those tools to meaningful data pools and outcomes. In a worst-case scenario, an SMB goes under, leaving larger enterprises free to take the reins uncontested and form tech monopolies in their region(s).

But, all hope isn’t lost, and SMBs can look to third-parties for infrastructure assistance.

The MSP advantage

Where a smaller enterprise lacks human-based IT resources, they’re not alone. In fact, remote and MSP vendors offer a wide range of “answers” to the numerous problems of today’s contemporary threats and challenges.

Consider the threats facing an SMB and your organization:

  • Sophisticated social engineering schema and phishing campaigns
  • Ransomware attacks with growing frequency
  • DDoS and service loss attacks/disruptions
  • Disaster such as massive hardware failure, data corruption, and storm events
  • Human error
  • Internal problems caused by malicious ex-staff, or, unsafe staff practices

A list like the above only expands as threats grow in sophistication, complexity, and volume. Now, stack those evolving problems on top of an SMB that’s understaffed. It isn’t a comfortable thought and keeps executives up at night.

However, an MSP can provide assistance with those problems, and offer long-term support for better future-proofing.

An MSP is a “managed service provider,” (such as Bytagig). The goal is to offer a company the needed resources to continue and scale their operations, mainly with IT and cybersecurity. Every MSP offers something different, but the goal is the same: extensive support, remote and/or local.

It pays to have good cybersecurity and IT solutions

What typically incites hesitation when considering an MSP is cost. Understandable, as an SMB already deals with limited capital and resources. The idea of getting intertwined in long-term expensive contracts isn’t exactly appealing. However, MSPs are in touch with their client needs, and offer flexible partnerships and plans suited to the needs of an SMB.

But if you do want to invest the capital for a layered support service, what do you get? Consider thus: MSPs are not just versatile, scaling “answers” to the threat climate problem. They’re also groups of versatile IT security experts with varied backgrounds, specialties, and knowledge. They can look at your problems and weak areas and provide insight on how best to strengthen them with consultation and analytics. Furthermore, if you lack the infrastructure needed for proactive IT, MSPs can install what you need with virtualized cloud solutions, data storage, and monitoring (to name a few).

When you consider the devastating cost of a blistering cyber-attack, it stands to reason to do everything in your power to prevent that.

As IT shortages plague the industry, SMBs are hurt the most. It’s never a good idea to go it alone.

For more on MSP solutions, contact Bytagig today.

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