13 Aug Why startups and SMBs are so vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks
Smaller organizations are prime targets for IT attacks

Reading our blogs at Bytagig, you’re no stranger to cybersecurity threats. We’ve discussed targeted businesses relating to ransomware, after all. During COVID-19, malware activity has spiked in relation to smaller businesses. Pandemic aside, why is this a common problem? After all, shouldn’t hackers go after bigger fish with since the potential for a higher payout is greater?
We’ve discussed the myth that hackers only go after larger companies before, so relying on being “too small” isn’t safe for any form of IT policy. It’s dangerous for smaller organizations because they don’t have the same resources as massive organizations. We’ll highlight some of the problems:
Risk factors
- Lack of risk awareness by SMBs, failing to recognize the threat ecosystem to their IT infrastructure
- SMB’s do not have properly trained staff to deal with cybersecurity and IT issues
- According to a report by DynaRisk human error leads to an enormous chunk of cybersecurity breaches
- Some SMBs don’t use legitimate versions of software to cut on costs, meaning they aren’t supported with security updates, leaving them open to attack
- SMBs lack cybersecurity defense resources like experts and server backups lead to severe downtime and inability to recover
- Lack of BDR plans (backup disaster recovery)
If that sounds uncomfortably familiar, then, unfortunately, you’re at risk.
IT and cybersecurity threats
Different methods exist to compromise cybersecurity infrastructure.
- Ransomware is one of the more dangerous variants of malware, capable of encrypting systems and holding data hostage until a ransom is paid. Attackers use it frequently, threatening to publish hijacked data.
- Phishing attacks occur when third-parties use social engineering to compromise user logins, data, and penetrate networks
- Breaches and data exposure remain prevalent among the industry and present serious risk to any and all company sizes, having increased exponentially over the past two years.
Defending your network and digital assets
A diverse range of options exist for protecting your network:
- Managing who has access to network layers to reduce data loss in case of attack
- Creating a thorough BDR plan in case of unforeseen network penetration
- Implement 2FA and MFA (two-factor and multi-factor authentication)
- Establishing network monitoring for unusual activity
- Using third-party assistance to shore up weaknesses in IT infrastructure
Using an MSP
You can use MSP’s to combat threat actors and protect your digital assets. These organizations offer all the expertise and resources needed to defend against cyber threats. They also provide necessary infrastructure, training, and information about good cybersecurity habits.
If you’re concerned about data loss or attack, consider an MSP. Bytagig has numerous resources available to clients. Contact us today for additional information.
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