Why it’s time to consider passwordless security options

The growing implementation of security without passwords and logins

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For a long time, one of the fundamentals of platform security was passwords. Complex logins were the first line of defense against hack attempts and general intrusions. But these days, attackers and cyber threats have evolved, exploiting weaknesses and deploy social-engineering campaigns to bypass passwords.

Even ignoring the iterative development of attacks and attack types, password policies for businesses and networks have been weak at best. Simple phrases, repeating passwords throughout multiple websites and terminals, and non-compliance with password policy fostered an inattentive mindset when it comes to the fundamentals of personal cybersecurity. Some of this is understandable, as remembering complex passphrases over multiple points of entry can feel confusing to the regular user.

In response, contemporary tools like password managers have stepped into the digital ring to provide alternatives for users. Familiar names, like LastPass, seek to eliminate the complications of handling multiple complicated passwords for different websites. However, while the plugin creates complex logins, it isn’t immune from data theft and intrusion – one of the hazards associated with a password management system.

Often, cybersecurity can feel like one step forward and two steps back. That’s why network managers and IT teams are considering an alternative approach to password security: none at all!

Passwordless Security Systems

The notion of a security setup without a passphrase seems unthinkable. But, the reality is passwordless systems are viable when set up correctly. And, you must consider that passwords are proving less effective against complex attack methods like ransomware and social engineering campaigns. Going through exhaustive remediation of password policies can prove less valuable in the long term. Therefore, approaching network security from an angle of “no passwords” can add a whole dynamic to your cybersecurity posture.

Implementing Passwordless Infrastructure

The idea is to create access to a system, software, or network with a passwordless access point. As of yet, it’s not entirely possible to remove logins, and even with their drawbacks, they’re still useful.

That said, enabling an approach of cybersecurity that implements a variety of techniques, resources, and authentication methods can prove invaluable, creating a path of heavy resistance against potential attackers.

What are the benefits of using passwordless access points?

There’s a level of friction removed with the implementation of passwordless infrastructure, with a surprising variety of advantages.

Less Onboarding Friction

Introducing passwordless systems like MFA or alternative login methods can create fewer barriers for users, new or old. Single authentication methods – such as biometrics – allow a user to access relevant network platforms without using multiple complex passwords.

IT Cost Reduction

Reducing the pain points associated with IT costs is always ideal. Troubleshooting is one such factor costing IT teams time and money. If IT specialists need to reset passwords or handle login requests, that leaves them with reduced space to handle other demanding IT and cybersecurity issues.

Secondly, a passwordless system can dodge breach events. Any malicious intrusion is incredibly costly, from damage mitigation to asset recovery. Therefore, adopting a password policy in some capacity can reduce IT costs in general.

Improved Security

As mentioned, traditional password security falters due to phishing and social engineering. Using alternative login methods, multifactor authentication, facial recognition, and biometrics adds a layer of resiliency hackers cannot brute force through.

While eliminating cybersecurity risk is not completely possible, taking entry points from potential intrusion grants your IT infrastructure a versatile defense.

Regulatory Compliance

It’s no longer acceptable to follow cybersecurity guidelines. Modern regulatory and legislative action dictate companies must follow and report breach events (such as with ransomware) while also maintaining a cohesive cybersecurity strategy. Using alternatives to passwords can put an enterprise in the green and keep them both compliant and secure.

HIPAA and GDPR are two such examples that have strong data handling and password compliance requirements.

Improved Remote Work Security

With the popularity and expansion of remote work services, the need to secure modular internet connections has increased. Remote workers are likelier to deal with some form of cyberattack, given they don’t have immediate access to IT professionals.

But in a passwordless environment, hackers and intruders alike have fewer opportunities to successfully pull off a brute force attack or use social engineering to their advantage. Furthermore, alternative authentication methods are user-friendly and easier to teach. In an environment where cybersecurity competency and knowledge are at a low point, accessible security formats are an ideal defense choice for remote workers.

Better IoT Support

The “Internet of Things” fits broad devices with data-facing capabilities, and these devices do not typically use traditional passwords for authentication. Using passwordless methods can better support these options.

Implementing a Passwordless Policy

At a glance, a no-password security setup sounds risky. But evolving technology, apps, and software create an environment where it’s possible. If you want to shirk the pitfalls of outdated password-focused security, it’s worth considering alternative options.

However, doing so is easier said than done. SMBs and enterprises with limited IT backgrounds may need additional assistance. For more information about passwordless security, contact Bytagig today.

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