What’s Deception Technology?

The Purpose of Deception Technology

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The fight against malware and malicious activities is long and arduous, but solutions are designed every year to aid in the struggle. One such solution is deception technology, which we’ll dive into this article.

Deception technology is a method of imitating legitimate services and processes within a company network, sometimes done in a virtual environment. The goal is to trap would-be attackers by identifying malicious behavior, deceiving them into believing they’ve achieved greater privilege within a network. Generally, said intruders begin to attempt acquiring information and credentials, resulting in flag alerts to the appropriate parties within a business network.

Other methods are referred to as “honeypots,” a system posing as a connection with critical information. However, once an intruder infiltrates the honeypot, they reveal themselves and allow for proper response. Both methods are effective for a strong cybersecurity network.

There a range of benefits that go beyond intrusion detection.

Reducing IT Clutter

IT teams react more efficiently to legitimate threats and warning flags. False-positives can fatigue and overwhelm teams with useless data in the event there’s no attack.

However, deception technology and its related methods use less (if any) resources regarding a cybersecurity network, creating accurate alerts when a third-party has infiltrated a honeypot or similar.


Deception technology and its related tactics apply to a wide range of categories within an IT network. Honeypots and other deception methods are flexible and can be deployed in different IT environments, even legacy ones, for a full range of effective uses.

Inexpensive Resource

Deception technology is an automated process, making it an affordable choice for any business size. Additionally, it greatly saves on time and resources since IT staff don’t need to manually address each technical issue as they arrive. Deception technology allows them to identify threats before they damage a network.

All this merges into an effective utility for learning about hacker attacks and their preferred methods of intrusion. For instance, perhaps a third-party launches a DDoS attack against a honeypot. This not only protects your business, but tips your company off to prepare for a denial of service attack in the future.

It also visualizes how a hacker penetrated the deception tech and shows your business where it’s cybersecurity policies are weakest/strongest. Information is key regarding methods of attackers, so deception technology plays an integral part of learning dangerous behavior and keeping protection methods fresh and innovative.

If you’d like to learn more about Bytagig’s honeypot methods, you can contact us for more information.

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