What will be the biggest cyber threats in 2023?

The 2023 cybersecurity threat trends to watch for

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Another year, another long list of IT and infrastructural threats. As businesses, people, and communities grow further entwined in the digital realm, so does the danger in these sectors. Part of protecting ourselves against this tide relies on predictive modelling. What are the threats, what will they be? While anything can happen in the cyber realm, there are patterns we can understand. For instance, during disasters, geopolitical events, and even major media releases, we’ll know that there are attempts to exploit these happenings.

2023 promises to boast even more challenges and issues, and it’s critical we address them. Time to prepare for dangers, however, can mitigate them. So, let’s have a look at the biggest cyberthreats in 2023 (and you may yet find things look familiar).

2023’s biggest cybersecurity risks


Will we ever be free of this ransom-based pest? Survey says, not likely. Ransomware has proven to be a brutally effective way for threat actors to not only steal data, but make a profit from it too. More so, repercussions for ransomware attacks are minimal. Attackers are difficult to track, and route their schemes from countries where they’re protected from international law. Depending on the origin, some are even empowered to deploy ransomware schema.

Ransomware is a malware type that infects a target system or device and encrypts data, usually the most important kinds. It’s kept from the users until a ransom is paid (usually with cryptocurrency) or the data is threatened to be destroyed and/or published. Some have limited choice in the matter because of how essential said data is.

More so, as trends go, it’s not slowing down. Since 2021, ransomware-based cybersecurity attacks have risen by 105%, so much it’s now expected, not the exception. It’s also costly, not just in terms of financial setback and loss, but brand damage too. How can clients and customers trust a company that doesn’t shield their data? That’s why ransomware will sit at the top of major threats in the 2023 year.

AI-Focused Attacks

While AI is growing as a revolutionary kind of tech that promises to change how we accomplish numerous tasks, it’s also the same thing as a double-edged sword in cybersecurity. Things like machine learning can reduce redundancy and increase efficiency in the workplace. All the same, that technology can be utilized to lob brute force attacks to break past password barriers.

AI tools already have the capacity to mimic images, voices (in some capacity), and even people. It’s a potential danger zone that could revolutionize how attackers take advantage of social engineering.

Gaps in Expertise

It’s the human element of cybersecurity that remains a primary weakness in even the best circumstances. Prone to mistakes, deception, and forgetfulness, a small slip up can lead to cascading cybersecurity-based consequences.

Worse yet, an evolving problem in the tech sector is a massive shortage of experts. Cybersecurity positions are rising in demand as threats continue to evolve. But, as of now, there’s still a shortage of minds and resources. More so, good cybersecurity practices and hygiene are lacking in virtually every industry.

Good hygiene isn’t just about deploying engineers and tech. It’s also about recognition of floor-level threats. Can a staff member identify a phishing message? Do they know backup procedures? Even these techniques are absent abroad which complicates the nature of comprehensive cybersecurity.

IoT Centric Threats

For some, the Internet of Things is exciting, but for those in the cybersecurity field, it’s a complicated mess. IoT refers to “smart devices” or any form of non-standard technology with network connectivity. We say non-standard, because devices with internet compatibility range from phones to kitchen appliances to even lights.

More so, they’re growing in the business sector with assistants like Amazon’s Alexa. The problem is, these all create internet-facing nodes that need securing. Think of it like adding an extra window or door to a building which needs its own lock.

The problem is, not every device in the IoT web has the same security standards. New technology looking to take advantage of evolving tech does so without the same cybersecurity infrastructure, exposing data and even networks. If every IoT-device needs securing, how can we ensure they’ll be updated? What happens if they’re not? What framework do they use for defense?

Questions like those raise concerns and its why IoT will sit on the board as a major cybersecurity problem in 2023.

Critical Infrastructure

It should come as no surprise that both with the surge of ransomware and geopolitical events like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, attacks on infrastructure are right around the corner. Critical infrastructure relates to anything essential to utilities and services, like food, fuel, power, and communication. If you’ve kept up with us, you know about the Colonial Pipeline attack, among things.

With the rise of complex global affairs, like the Russia-Ukraine war, this is where cyber threats seek to take advantage and sow chaos for profit. More so, ransomware goes hand-in-hand with attacks against critical infrastructure.

What can be done about these threats?

There’s even more cyber-dangers lurking out there, and as such, things can feel overwhelming. With no visibly immediate ways to solve the cybersecurity crisis, what can an SMB do?

Given lack of expertise, the solution is to reach out to third-party resources. Remote solutions and aid from an MSP can in fact address the cybersecurity threats we’ve discussed. An MSP means “managed service provider,” and their primary focus is supply resources and infrastructure to businesses without.

Bytagig is one such MSP, for example, providing IT support, whether that’s installing hardware or providing security assistance. Preparing for threats, new and old, is the best defense against a growing tide of cybersecurity dangers.

For more information, you can learn more by contacting us today.

About Bytagig
Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more. Bytagig is setting the standard for MSPs by being placed on the Channel Future’s NexGen 101 list.

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