What helps improve remote work/productivity?

Key things to help remote working proficiency

Five Bulb Lights

While it’s one thing to checkmark the trends harming remote work, it’s also important to point out what can improve it too. We’re encountering new challenges with the formula too, as burnout sets in, due in part to complicated interfaces and responsibility for various new tools.

Wrangling the hybrid beast known as remote working can prove difficult. But there are immediate things staff and management can start doing to help efficiency across the board. If not already, the following tips should be incorporated into your remote models.

Improve Communication

One difficulty presented by the remote working model is communication, or lack thereof. In remote and hybrid models, physical proximity is no longer a standard element. Bridging communications in a fluid, simple-to-understand manner is key to both keeping remote workers productive but “in the loop.”

It’s very easy to feel isolated in a remote environment, given it’s literally that. But when workers can’t get in touch with each other or staff in an accessible way, it’s confusing, if not paralyzing feeling.

Proper Home Set-Up

Helping your workforce with the proper setup is key to aiding with efficiency. On the surface level, it’s both hardware and software support. Typically, they should have devices capable of smoothly handling work-related tasks. Given the abrupt adoption of remote work, however, it may be necessary to provide utilities.

For remote workers, though, a good setup goes beyond the tools they use for work-related tasks. It also deals with location, such as a quiet, private environment that’s both comfortable and allows them to focus.

Less is More

We’re talking a lot about tools in this article, and by that we mean software, apps, and management tools used to help organize work, schedule appointments, discuss projects, and store files/data. And while these resources are indeed pivotal to successful collaboration, the trick is integrating the proper tools. Overloading a remote workforce with too many applications causes confusion and needless complications. So, in the long term, think “less.” The right utilities will make all the difference.

Standardize Workflows

With remote work removing physical proximity outside of hybrid models, setting clear, standardized workflow expectations can help maintain tasks without interference. How and what you standardize ultimately comes down to the individual business, but it’s something you should incorporate into your workflow models.

Listen to Worker Feedback

Improving the remote work experience – which ultimately helps productivity and efficiency – also comes down to listening to remote worker feedback when requested. This puts your “finger on the pulse,” gauging what works for remote staff, and what doesn’t.

For example, as we mentioned, if surveyed remote workers say the amount of software and app tools they’re juggling is too much, that can help you adjust your remote business strategy.

Accessible Security

Of course, cybersecurity and protecting data are huge factors in the realm of remote work. Therefore, remote workers should have accessible options when it comes to reporting problems. Be that an easy way to get in touch with security staff or having the proper anti-malware software, this is a fundamental characteristic of remote worker improvement.

These are a handful of things you can utilize to aid with remote worker improvement. If you’d like additional tips or want more assistance, consider an MSP.

Learn more by contacting Bytagig today.

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