The Five Core Elements of Healthy Cybersecurity

A principled cybersecurity infrastructure comes in layers, much like any successful enterprise model. Each component gives an organization structural safety and versatility, emphasizing their importance. The key conditions to a proactive cybersecurity formation include: readiness operations, cyber ops and resilience, application security, cyber investigation/forensics/response, and cyber threat intelligence. We can dive into each to discuss their importance.

Cyber Operations and Resilience

At the foundation of good cybersecurity is resilience, which is the guiding philosophy for resisting, analyzing, and recovering from breach events and malware attacks. Good resilience determines how a company responds to threat events, and how they develop proactive measures to further anticipate and defend against malicious actors.

Cyber operations and their effectiveness are determined by the strength (or lack thereof) of true resiliency solutions.

Application Security

The development and safeguarding of mission-critical app deployment is the bread and butter for many organizations. When delivering software/apps, it’s essential both the end-result and process are entirely secure.

App security involves various tools and processes to ensure a high-volume, agile, and safe delivery. At its foundation, the core of app development must include intrinsic philosophies to guide each development layer. In other words, healthy cybersec strategies involve foundational elements of cybersecurity when designing software/apps/networks. Given the enormous demands placed on app security by external threat factors, safe development is mandatory.

Cyber Forensics and Response

Defending against cyber attacks isn’t always enough. Creating insightful and digestible reports based on attack data translates to better decisions. Executives, CISO officers, and staff need comprehensive info to work off when understanding threat vectors and how their enterprise is targeted.

Cyber analytics and forensics, then, is a key part of that response. Analytics, again, needs to create focused, insightful reports allowing executives to make key decisions with confidence. CISO offers need reactable info to translate into policy and further build on network security. This leads to response, in the form of strengthened cybersecurity defense and backup measures.

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence looks at the overall picture of cybersecurity, and not just data pertaining to the enterprise. Understanding trends, how threat actors operate, and the likeliness of being attacked by a specific malware campaign all fall under the umbrella of threat intelligence.

Taking advantage of threat intelligence relies on the deployment of smart tools, like AI learning and automated solutions. That’s because intelligence reporting has to pull from vast swathes of data pools, and terminating redundancy and false-positives makes for an efficient resolution model.

Readiness Operations

In general, this is a way of describing how prepared (or not) a business is for cyber attacks as a whole. It also determines the speed at which an enterprise can respond and recover from breach attack, with metrics for each phase of the response.

These are five core structures of any solid, comprehensive cybersecurity plan. Having resources for each can ensure robust response time and powerful cybersecurity infrastructure.

Sometimes even the best networks and companies need help. For third-party IT solutions including cybersecurity, contact Bytagig today.

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