Less is more in the cybersecurity realm

Security processes overwhelm larger organizations; taking an incremental approach to secure posture

One of the fundamental challenges businesses face when rolling out IT and cybersecurity policy is time. Or, rather, lack thereof.

But why is this? If a large organization wants to roll out an MFA policy, it could take weeks or even months. In some cases, up to a year. Considering the novel importance of concepts like MFA, it would imply a need to quickly adopt critical policies.

Combined with a lack of critical staff, resources, and sheer scope of security management, tasks like adopting MFA are far easier said than done. Large-scale enterprises sometimes house hundreds of security apps and software, spread across devices, systems, vendors, and services. The slightest alteration creates a need to reassess and reapply settings and understand how it impacts IT posture, total company logistics, insight, and everything in between.

Furthermore, if larger enterprises lack sufficient staff or experts to routinely carry out these operations, even more time is spent consolidating resources and implementing cybersecurity/IT policies.

Unfortunately, weak security controls and a lack of authenticators are serious threats to networks. Phishing is the go-to for a majority of threat actors, whereas policies like MFA are set up to deflect it. But in our example where such a policy could take impractical amounts of time to adopt, you see the problem.

Tackling it in increments

Observing these hurdles is enough for IT teams to abandon integrating new policies when they’re seemingly leviathan in scope. But it’s better to have progress than none it all, referring to an incremental approach to cybersecurity and IT.

How you do so depend on a lot of variables. One of the best is shifting to a company security-oriented mindset based on good cybersecurity hygiene. Even if you can’t immediately implement MFA or a data-backup plan, introducing steps to integrate those solutions is vastly better than doing nothing at all. Furthermore, an organization can upscale its posture just by educating staff/management alone. Tech and data literacy are at alarming lows, and often staff won’t realize they’ve stumbled into a malicious snare until it’s too late.

Therefore, adding policies, changes, and updates in whatever form can prove successful in the long term. In fact, for the scope and size of some enterprises, it’s often the only viable option.

Third-party assistance

Even with large organizations, there’s a limit to what they can do. Some even struggle with staff limitations or lack of cybersecurity experts. In these instances, it’s critical to integrate third-party assistance and resources.

Bytagig is one such example. As an MSP, it operates by providing accessible tech and cybersecurity support to scale with the needs of an organization, regardless of its size. That includes the incremental approach to cybersecurity and providing the resources required for introducing policies, MFA, anti-malware, and other essential toolsets for a proactive cybersecurity posture. Because organizations are inundated with managing hundreds of nodes, security apps, staff, and remote networks, getting outside assistance is often essential to thrive in today’s digital environment.

For more information about Bytagig, you can contact us today.

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