Is Windows 11 worth the upgrade now?

A quick glance at Windows 11

The next iteration of Microsoft’s Windows operating system – Windows 11 – has been available to the public for roughly a year. First appearing during the height of the COVID pandemic, the OS touted many accessibility features and mobile-friendly design changes aimed at remote working, virtual meetings, and tasks on the go.

These days, you may notice update messages pertaining to Windows 11, where users can freely upgrade from 10 to 11. But mass adoption of this change is not common, and while a no-cost installation is tempting, there’s still the question of whether upgrading is worth it. It’s not a yes or no answer, since it relies on so many factors for an individual or business.

As of this article, Windows 10 is still supported with updates and security patches. Furthermore, compatibility for Windows 11 with legacy programs and software is not complete – meaning it’s possible to run into snags here and there. If you’re running a company network

Changes to consider in brief

UI Changes

User interface differences are the first things that come to mind since they’re immediately obvious. 11 did not dramatically shift the appearance of its Windows UI, but it has some differences from 10. Icons and apps are centered on the taskbar, for example.

It’s a serious consideration, however. How long would relearning or navigating this new UI take? While the shift in visual position is not too grievous, it’s a matter of practicality.


One of the core issues with any major OS update is performance. Older hardware can feel the impact since newer modules take up additional system resources. To run well, Windows 10 needs roughly 2-3GB of memory RAM to operate smoothly when idle, for example.

For the most part, user experiences with Windows 11 are positive in the performance department. While it does use more resources than 10, said use is not enough for serious concern. 11 is designed to be responsive and “snappy” with its updates occurring in smaller batches to reduce system load.

This is important for businesses that need to keep performance considerations in mind. Even increases in CPU load can slowly add hours to tasks and cause efficiency problems. That said, 11’s resource demands are nothing staggering, and that’s for additional reasons. Namely, to run on older hardware and laptops, along with compatible devices lacking the ability to upgrade in the long term.

Android App Compatibility

Though not the biggest development, Android compatibility with Windows 11 can be beneficial. This showcased Microsoft’s support for the emphasis on mobile tools and support.

Virtual Meeting Tools

The clearest difference between Windows 10 and 11 is the utilities available for virtual meetings. Several functions are baked into 11 where users would otherwise need to download additional software and add-ons. Primarily, 11 offers conference tools aimed at improving quality, such as screenshare options, screen filtering, and automatic framing. This is the potential decider for businesses that make use of remote working and virtual conferences on a frequent basis.

On Security

You may ask if Windows 11 is secure, but this is not applicable to any operating system. In other words, saying “yes” is a misnomer, because no OS, software, or platform is uniquely safe nor equipped to deal with the constant evolution of malicious internet threats. There is nothing wholly unique about Windows 11 that makes it crack-proof, it’s as susceptible to intrusions, malware, and hack attempts as is any OS.

This doesn’t mean Windows 11 is unsafe. But it is not immune to the dangers of modern cybersecurity problems. It’s worth saying this as the default belief any app, OS, or software is impervious to intrusion is a dangerous one indeed, and simply not true.

Therefore, if you’re making the decision to upgrade to 11 solely based on security parameters, you should not. Additional considerations should always be made before upgrading in this capacity.

The decision to upgrade

So, you’ve got a basic idea of some of the features in favor of Windows 11. If not for them, you may want to consider to remain ahead of the curve. Support for Windows 10 is set to retire in 2025, meaning Microsoft will no longer release updates for it.

So does that mean it’s worth upgrading to? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is maybe. For those with no serious concerns about the UI changes and alterations in performance, Windows 11 has reached a point where shifting from 10 is that grievous of a change. Casual users will see minimal impact save for alterations in the UI. Expert users, cybersecurity leads, and IT staff, however, may want to wait until there’s a clear plan to move from 10 to 11.  

If nothing else, the upgrade is a no-cost investment, and it is possible to reset a system to Windows 10 if the user prefers the previous version.

While Microsoft has had its fair share of frustrating OS updates (Vista and Windows 8 come to mind), the transition from 10 to 11 is not as demanding, cost-free, and brings in friendly updates for remote working environments. If that’s a utility your enterprise can make use of, then 11 is worth the upgrade.

If you’re experiencing difficulties with this change or need additional assistance, you can get help. For more information, contact Bytagig today.

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