If you use SaaS suites, be aware of these critical steps

Essential steps to take for better SaaS security

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With every advancement in tech, so too comes an equal danger. SaaS, or “software as a service,” is no different, a model that individuals and businesses take advantage of for a variety of purposes. But though they’re convenient, they’re vulnerable to cybersecurity issues too. Recognizing said threats is important so you don’t find yourself ensnared in the next malware statistic.

How to protect your organization from SaaS-based threats

The good news is proactive defense against these SaaS-oriented dangers won’t burn a hole in the budget. Instead, they come down to common sense and good cybersecurity hygiene. We’ll discuss four critical ways to guard against SaaS-oriented threats.

Improve Security Posture and Practices

An issue afflicting SMBs is a weak stance towards IT security. Some are unfamiliar with good practices; others lack the capital to maintain strong cybersecurity policies. However, that doesn’t mean SMBs must suddenly invest in expensive assets to meet modern standards. Rather, introducing effective practices can quickly protect businesses from even the worst threats.

MFA combined with a stronger password policy, for example, can yield effective results. And, while not perfect solutions, it’s still recommended to utilize password managers with a backup option in case of breach events. If using remote-work infrastructure, it’s especially important to set a good password and recovery policy. As well, staff and management should have familiarity with phishing or other social-engineering techniques deployed by attackers.

Configure Properly

SaaS involves different software suites and applications. Depending on what you elect to use for the SMB, this can get complicated. Configuring cloud and virtualized options also presents unique challenges in both maintenance and security. That’s because it involves permissions, roles, and modifying each setting. Not just for security, but to maintain security compliance too.

The nature of human error, however, means misconfigurations are a serious pain point for SMBs. They’re not malicious in nature, and therefore are not “detected” the same way, making them difficult to fix. Monitoring the configuration of cloud networks and virtual services can actively reveal flaws. Routine penetration tests are also important to catch wayward issues.

Patch and Update Software/Apps

It sounds obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to forget about software and app updates. For essential services, patch updates are critical to dodge malicious threats and breach attempts. Updates apply the latest security changes (or should) and are important in a SaaS model. Hackers and threat parties are constantly looking for ways to circumvent security. Therefore, routine updates and patches are preventative measures and the primary reason they’re important.

Monitoring is again, critical to protecting your infrastructure. In other words, proactively checking system-wide software and apps the enterprise uses for updates. And, monitoring for new threats that may exist to try and exploit zero-day vulnerabilities or unpatched software.

Secure Web Applications

Cloud, virtualized services, and SaaS all fundamentally rely on web applications for enterprise needs. However, that means they manage sensitive company data, including customer information. Therefore, web apps remain ideal targets for malicious actors.

Web application security first starts with routine penetration testing to account for possible weaknesses. These pain points can quickly escalate to security threats if not addressed, such as input validation, authentication, and authorization privileges.


SaaS suites provide a robust set of features, programs, and tools for smaller organizations. They’re widely used and prone to different cyber-attacks and third-party threats. Following our guidelines will help prepare your organization against threats.

For more information, you can contact Bytagig today.

About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more. Bytagig is setting the standard for MSPs by being placed on the Channel Future’s NexGen 101 list.

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