How can I improve my system performance?

If you’re running slow in 2023 here’s what you can do

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Nothing’s more frustrating than a slow computer. We rely on our devices for work and personal tasks, but when everything trickles into a slog, it’s hard to accomplish anything. The reasons for system slowdowns are varied, so pinpointing the exact reasons is a matter of troubleshooting. But, that doesn’t mean the task needs expert-level knowledge of a computer. Most system slowdowns are a result of common problems and checking usage.

For both business and individual reasons, it’s important to get the most out of your hardware. We’ll go over some common reasons your PC and devices are dealing with system slowdowns.

Check Task Manager

First, we should identify programs and applications drawing excessive resources from your system. Not all PC systems have the same hardware capabilities. Therefore, without enough system memory, CPU, and GPU resources, this is where the core of system slowdowns begins.

Task manager is a simple way to check your list of actively running programs and services, while also offering a glance at how much of your system resources are being used. On Windows, selecting CTRL+ALT+DEL is a quick way to bring up the task manager.

In this window, you’ll see all programs and background processes, along with their disc, memory, and CPU usage. What you’ll want to look for is excessively high usage by a program relative to the hardware you’re using. Additionally, you want to check for programs using unusually high amounts of PC resources.

When we say “relative to your hardware,” we mean how much CPU load (or similar) your system can handle. For example, a laptop with 4GB of available RAM will perform slower with multiple programs and apps open. The less you have to work with, the less you can optimize hardware.

Identify Resource Drains

One solution to streamline performance is to close programs and tabs chewing into your CPU and memory usage. But sometimes, background programs or unseen apps eat away at system resources too. That’s why the task manager is an essential tool, as you might discover a program eating into your system without you realizing it. The difference is whether these programs are malicious or not.

Benign resource drains can be background programs like anti-virus software, running scans and automatically. Other programs may begin on a system startup, creating longer boot times and generally weaker performance. If you’re concerned about these functions, you will want to adjust settings to fit your needs and profile. Typically anti-virus programs, firewalls, and software have options to set whether they start on bootup or not, and if you want a faster startup, you should disable them.

Additionally, it’s good to check if these programs run in the background. They can use a surprising amount of memory, especially on systems with weaker hardware.

Malicious Programs

On that note, what about performance drops related to malware (or similar)? These can be harder to identify, as malicious programs tend to obscure their activity. However, if you notice an unfamiliar program running in task manager and it’s taking up high levels of system resources, that’s a problem. Closing a malicious program isn’t enough, as it will use system privileges to avoid deletion or will run again on a system restart.

Upgrade Hardware

An effective way to boost performance is to install new system hardware. An easy way to do this is to install one of the following:

  • RAM
  • Exchange HDD for an SSD/Drive
  • Install Additional Memory
  • Upgrade GPU

However, SMB solutions mean that supplying hardware can run up costs quickly, so you can also look to alternative methods like cloud computing or virtual services.

Better speeds for 2023

Fine-tuning your system performance and speed is a process because not everyone operates with similar specifications. But, our quick list of suggestions is a fast way to identify pain points and quickly resolve them. Remember, you’ll need to work within the limitations of your PC. OS updates, file space, RAM availability, and CPU strength are just a handful of factors impacting this.

Sometimes, however, outside help is needed. SMBs looking to enhance system performance should look to third-party resources such as through an MSP.

For more information, you can contact Bytagig today.

About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more. Bytagig is setting the standard for MSPs by being placed on the Channel Future’s NexGen 101 list.

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