How Bytagig can help filter out problematic spam

Fighting spam in 2022 and onwards

Spam and scam emails aren’t just a nuisance bogging down your email with clutter. They’re also a serious security risk to your SMB enterprise, typically associated with malware and ransomware campaigns. While modern email resources set-up filters to catch most spam, attackers deploy numerous workarounds, and take advantage of social engineering schema to bypass even the most competent defenses.

At this stage, you need help with the right tools and resources to counter spam attacks. Bytagig can help, and here’s how.

Setting up Spam Filters

The thing is, preventing spam, junk, and malicious emails from circumventing your defenses requires the right tools, and, proper configuration of said tools. But easier said than done, right? Either from time constraints or lack of on-site experts, configuring for spam defense is a lengthy endeavor. Especially considering there are various security suites to choose from. How do you know which is the right one for your SMB?

Fortunately, Bytagig does two things. We take out the guesswork and help build out/configure the security suite for you. What kind of suites?


The first service Bytagig utilizes and sets-up for its customer base is Mimecast. Mimecast emphasizes cybersecurity solutions and, specifically, email security solutions. The idea is to use insight-driven measures to proactively detect spam/malicious emails and messages targeting your enterprise. It’s better than a junk email folder, since the dangerous emails in question are eliminated entirely instead of filtered out into a specific folder.

Mimecast also operates with numerous other security services and partners, meaning they draw from a robust background of experts. In a time where cybersec staff shortages are common, this is a much-needed windfall. It’s a full-scale solution, great for organizations of all sizes. Bytagig readily makes use of its services, and can set up, configure, and integrate it into your workflows.

Mimecast offers protections and coverage regarding the subjects covered on Bytagig (ransomware, DoS, malware, social engineering, internal error, backups, etc).

However, that’s not the only solution Bytagig utilizes.


Proofpoint is the second cybersec suite Bytagig takes advantage of. The idea behind Proofpoint is take a focused role on the human aspect of cybersecurity sanitation. That involves different nodes of influence, like threat discovery, monitoring for phishing emails, data backup and loss prevention, and proactive threat response (to list a few).

Given that today’s IT environments deal with more risks than ever, especially with remote environments, Proofpoint works when you want to go beyond the technicals and focus on resolving human-based errors. Proofpoint is also loaded with staff-friendly resources like white papers and the latest research on IT and cybersecurity trends.

The best part is whichever service you find preferable to your enterprise model, Bytagig helps install and integrate them into your workflows.

After implementation

Once the services are implemented you can expect a full range of automated solutions to detect and eliminate malicious email campaigns. They also provide accessible reports and real time support to keep pace with your SMB needs, no matter how big or small.

Combined with Bytagig’s hands-on integration, you can further automate the security side of your enterprise for a proficient, stress-free workflow. And, if you’re concerned about control loss, Bytagig is always ready with support and assistance.

For additional information, you can contact Bytagig today to learn about these services.

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