Do you have effective Data Security Posture Management?

What DSPM is and why it’s growing in importance

Data is the lifeblood of any modern organization looking to compete in today’s digital ecosystem. Therefore, a competent Data Security Posture Management strategy is critical to properly secure internal resources, safely transfer information on network spaces, and ensure privileged data is only accessed by the correct parties. Data security posture is a lot like cybersecurity posture. If it’s healthy, you’re better able to protect and react to external complications or threats. A healthy policy and posture guard its data behind comprehensive anti-malware, firewalls, MFA (where relevant), and segments networks so data traffic is not shared in the same spaces. But in new environments, security and data postures do not “travel” together. Adopting new technologies like cloud resources or adding on unknown apps/software from BYOD creates “shadow IT.” The environment changes, and suddenly data security posture vanishes.

Keys to healthy Data Security Posture Management

Data discovery

You cannot manage or properly secure data if you don’t know where it is, where it travels, and who can access it. Shadow IT, for example, is a notorious problem for IT specialists and cybersecurity leaders, creating dark zones of data transfer while simultaneously escalating cybersecurity threats.  

The right posture

When managing data, knowing the core ruleset for said data is part of a strong data security posture. It varies from network to network because not all organizations are the same. But whether it’s their internal environments or remote networks, the same data posture should establish itself.

Alert indexing

Good data security management highlights and prioritizes red-flag events based on severity. Those events are funneled to the right resources, and, good posture should have an established process ready to go. For example, this event might look like data loss in a customer service network, sending an alert to IT teams, and then following a procedure based on established guidelines. Strong data security management posture also involves identifying the type of data. If a classification tool cannot identify data as, say, business data, security teams would not know how to proceed with its management. Good data security posture also involves healthy alerts that only identified areas of a network with poor data security posture. Because of data fluidity, – the speed at which data is transferred and its constant movement across networks, cloud storage, and internal business infrastructure, data security posture seems to provide agile security guidelines regardless of where the data is going. It also seeks to identify the type of data relevant to where it is on a network. So, by now you should have an understanding of why a data security management strategy is important for your business infrastructure. If not already, you should consider DSPM if you make use of cloud or virtualized resources when conducting network operations.

What your data security posture management needs for success

DSMP must be a combination of various features and autonomous solutions to truly be successful. As mentioned, quickly identifying data, tagging it, and contextualizing it cuts down on redundant data for IT teams. Larger organizations may establish their data security posture. However, SMBs and smaller organizations can look to third-party resources to set up data posture solutions.  Such factors should be taken into account:
  • Scale of networks, cloud resources, and business data
  • The type of data, such as management, client, customer, or internal
  • Quickly finding and generating autonomous reports or using ML technologies for data solutions
The goal, ultimately, is to prevent easy data replication and reduce unsecured mobility across networks, whether that’s cloud, remote, or internal. If your organization manages enormous chunks of data daily, consider establishing a DSPM. If you’d like assistance building a DSPM strategy or want access to expert third-party IT resources, Bytagig can help. For more information, contact us today.
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