Digital tools to consider for your growing SMB

Finding the right software tools to aid your business model

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With a growing need for agility across networks and workers, finding the right tools makes all the difference. Apps and software provide a host of advantages for organizations, communication, tracking, management, and project development. But the question is, what works for your staff? What helps the enterprise as a whole? I’ve assembled a small list of digital utilities which help bring you to the forefront of productivity.

This list can also be viewed as a startup guide for SMBs and smaller organizations making their transition to digitally-reliant work environments.

Email Marketing Tools

Do you run an eshop or online vending service? Do you have a vested interest in sending routine newsletters and communication to your customer base? If so, email marketing tools which help automate the process are incredibly helpful.

Email tools, like MailChimp, operate by not only sending email messages on a scheduled basis but grant powerful analytics to better reach your reader base. A/B testing, for instance, allows for a customized approach to sectors of your reader market. That helps increase the effectiveness of your messaging, whatever it is, and gives you info and analytics for future strategies.

Management Tools

In today’s hybrid and remote environments, management tools are a major boon. It’s challenging to organize projects as is, but once you throw different timezones and remote environments into the mix, tracking the details is increasingly difficult.

There are plenty of management tools out there now. But, typically, each has a mainstay of features, such as setting schedules, creating appointments, activity tracking, and generating automated reminders versus manual input.

CRM Software

No surprise, customer relations is essential to a thriving enterprise. CRM, or customer relationship management software, is all about having a holistic view of your customer market and demographic. The idea is to use an accessible platform to manage all communication points of your organization and customer base.

Combined with other digital tools and marketing assets, it’s easy to see the advantages offered with a CRM suite. You can more efficiently deploy messages and communication points from a single area of interaction.

Project and Collab Suites

It’s likely your enterprise has used collaboration software/suites in some capacity. But if not, examples include powerful suite like Office 365, which roll the Microsoft programs into a bundle for convenience. Programs in suites like these often include project apps, like Word and Excel. These are improved for remote environments too, since they offer online connectivity, streamlining the sharing/creation process between staff.

Communication Tools and Software

How anything gets done without communication is a mystery, and if you’ve cracked that code, stop reading, you won’t need more info from this article. For the rest of us though, utilizing communication apps and tools is fundamental for remote work (and otherwise).

Among other foundational apps, this is probably one of the most important sectors for your business. Options like Slack and Zoom long existed before the prevalence of remote working, but they’re still just as important. These tools and similar apps allow staff to message the other in a convenient, trackable way. Everything from text to video chat are available for these platforms.

Storage and Cloud Options

You can’t talk about digital tools and potential business upgrades without considering versatile storage options and cloud virtualization. These tools create agile solutions, such as the ability to generate virtualized machines and set up infrastructure, fast. In remote or hybrid environments, that’s important.

For businesses that need vertical scaling and expect significant growth, cloud options are the solution. Storage tools, too, are needed to safeguard data while shifting it to accessible network environments.

Obviously, the tools and strategies I’ve mentioned are complex in their own ways. So if you’re a startup or SMB looking to shift into upward, digitally-based scaling, it can be overwhelming. Consider getting help from an MSP.

You can learn more by contacting Bytagig today.

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