10 Oct Common IT Problems and Solutions: Part 1
A few commonly encountered IT problems and how to deal with them

IT problems are a frustrating occurrence happening on every level of a business. Some are more complex than others. However, it’s those simple ones that really bog things down. Typically IT specialists handle the brunt of technical issues. But, if they’re swamped by smaller problems, their productivity is hampered.
Bytagig understands the frustration on all fronts, both for those who deal with the problem and IT who are already busy with complex issues (especially given the rise of cybersecurity threats).
To help, we’re tossing out some known fixes to common IT issues in hopes to boost productivity on all fronts.
What are some typical issues?
First off, what are the problems normally encountered by staff?
Some of them usually include:
- System crashes (such as seeing the blue crash screen on Windows)
- Failure to log in to a system or company resource
- Unusually slow PC performance
- Accidental deletion and/or loss of files
- General hardware issues
As a double benefit, even if you don’t encounter them on the job, they’re still common issues we all deal with from time to time. If you’re relying on remote working solutions, these can also be helpful answers and troubleshooting resolutions.
No doubt, any kind of PC or IT issue is frustrating.
First Steps
Before anything, check to see if you have an error message associated with your problem, whatever it may be. For instance, a system crash will typically have a screen with an associated error code. Or, if you can’t perform a function on a PC or device, it may show an error message. It’s okay if you can’t find an error code, they just help isolate specific errors and problems.
For instance, if you can’t connect to the internet, normally your system will indicate so with a message. It will also let you know if the problem goes deeper than a surface issue, such as something IT specialists have to examine.
Error code or no, it’s time to tackle some problems.
Speed and Connection Problems
Companies rely on network speed for work purposes. Now that remote solutions are common, this is crucial to run smoothly.
But whether at site or home, what if a connection is running slowly? Many reasons exist for slower internet, after all.
Here are a few quickfire problems to potential internet slowdown problems:
- You’re running a background download (check to see if software is updating, like an anti-virus program)
- Your ISP is experiencing problems, in which you should check to see for reports on service disruptions
- You’re connected to a wireless connection which is experiencing slowdown problems (check to see the quality or if you’re far away from a wireless router)
I don’t have an internet connection
Another common but frustrating problem. In this scenario, you can’t connect to the internet at all.
- Check your internet settings (typically found at the bottom right of your screen) and make sure you actively have a connection option (this will either be a wireless or ethernet connection)
- Your internet adapter needs to be enabled or is currently disabled
- Your ISP is currently experiencing an outage
- Your business network is currently experiencing an outage
- There may be a problem with your network card or software (a rarer issue) and you’ll need support
- Your modem or router is either disabled or experiencing problems
For initial solutions, try restarting your connections, modem/router, and if necessary the computer.
System Crashes
A PC crash is alarming but not always a bad thing. The reason for a system crash are numerous, but generally are caused when system resources are overloaded (the PC freezes because it ran out of CPU/Memory space to run things).
A crash may show a “blue screen” which reports the error. If necessary, record the error code. Solutions, though, are easy:
- Restart the computer by turning the power off for ten seconds, then back on
- Boot normally, but if problems occur, but from safe mode
- If the problem is deeper, you may need support from your IT specialist
Slow PC Performance
A slow PC is another frustrating but common issue. And like a PC problem, it can have a variety of causes. Most, though, are basic and don’t indicate anything serious and generally result when the hardware is pushed to its limits.
Whether at work or remote system, there are a few culprits to potential PC slowdowns:
- Too many background/programs are running which is using all the system resources
- A particular program is too difficult for the system to run
- Old hardware such as dated CPU (processor) and memory (RAM)
- Anti-virus programs running scans in the background
- Potential malware infections
- The computer is shutting down due to temperature concerns
Pinning down what is causing the slowdown is the first step to resolving it. Checking Task Manager is the easiest way, as it shows all programs and functions, how much memory they use, and what percentage of the CPU they take up.
If you pull up task manager and identify a program that’s taking up too many system resources, you can safely identify it as the culprit and close the process. It’s also a good way to check for any executables that might seem suspicious or unfamiliar.
Or, you can check to see if a program is using unusually high processing power, which is a potential indicator of malware.
If you suspect a viral intrusion, now’s a good time to run a scan. Also think back to any suspicious websites or emails – did system performance decrease after accessing them? These can be helpful for honing in on possible issues. Also, look for error codes or messages if relevant.
Other Issues
Random crashes, as mentioned, can also be caused by extreme temperatures. A PC will automatically shut itself off if it reaches a dangerous threshold. If so, your PC will need a quick cleaning (which is something to do on the regular anyway). Pressured air is the best solution.
We’ve tackled some common IT problems, but we’ve got even more to sort through in part 2 of this article!
If you need additional IT assistance with these troublesome common errors, contact Bytagig today!
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