Best Password Practices and Policies

Improving password strategies

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A good password is the first line of defense against all manner of modern digital attack. Complex logins can deter hackers, bots, and malicious third parties, keeping your various accounts safe on multiple websites. But like with anything, it’s important to incorporate healthy practices for your passwords, whether personal or professional. Since a login access critical info, it’s not something you want to neglect.

For Personal Use

There’s a difference between using logins for individuals and businesses. So first, we’ll cover login strategies for personal use. By doing so, you’ll make all of your accounts safer and learn some different strategies 

Some of them are standard for most passwords:

  • Vary your login with caps, numbers, and special symbols (like !#$%)
  • Healthy password length is around 8-12 characters
  • Avoid basic phrases/terms that are easy to guess

Why is it important to do this?

Hackers employ a variety of methods to circumvent security regarding logins – most often with bot programs. These bots try to brute force account access by drawing from a library of “guessable” passwords. If they happen to steal the login, this can create additional problems. If you’re using the same password for other websites, they have access to those accounts too.

For Business

There’s an assortment of things a company can do to set up strong password policies for its staff. We’ll cover some of the most essential ones below:

  • Password Age Policies – Your business should set the term for how long a password is kept before it should be changed, generally once every 3 to 6 months.
  • Password Length – Just as with an individual password, a password should be around 8-12 characters with a variation in letters, symbols, and caps. Policies should prevent users from using simplified names and phrases.
  • 2FA – If your business uses a BYOD policy (bring your own device) we highly recommend two-factor authentication for staff devices.
  • Audit and Track Changes – Your organization should keep track of all password change times, days, and phrases.
  • No Duplicate Passwords – Even if your company has password updates, it’s important to not reuse older passwords. 

Why is it important to do this?

It’s critical to set up strong password policies for your company because you’re juggling a team of staff with their own logins and phrases. Because those logins determine access to critical network infrastructure ranging from systems to company info, having strict, enforceable guidelines in place prevents third-party intrusions. 

Because each device and system is a potential access point, routinely resetting and setting up sturdy logins is the first line of defense against complex digital attacks.

Passphrases are only one key step in creating a strong security network to shield both personal and professional data. But, they are critical, often the first deterrent to potential attack. With our quick tips, you can increase the security to all your accounts.

If you’d like more comprehensive information on password policies or want cybersecurity solutions, contact Bytagig.

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