White Glove IT Support

Why you Need to Learn from your IT Support Portland

Your company’s IT support Portland handles the cybersecurity of your business, while you take care of the business aspect. And true, you hired and invested in the best IT support company in the country so you can focus on growing your business. But, as a responsible company owner, you also need to learn from the IT professionals whom you hired to put up walls of security to prevent cyber criminals from accessing your network and system. You may argue that your spend a lot of money so the experts can take care of your cybersecurity so you do not have to, but the thing is you need to understand how cybersecurity works in general, and what are the roles and responsibilities of your IT support are. Let us explore the reasons why you must take it upon yourself to learn how IT support Portland functions, for the benefit of your own hard-earned company, and for you personally as well.

Be the boss that knows everything

As the big boss of your company, you must know everything that goes on in your offices. Yes you are focusing on the business side, but pay attention to the cybersecurity of your network and system too. Be that kind of boss whom no one can get pass through without knowing what they are up to. By learning the basics about Information Technology and cybersecurity, you are always on top of things. You go to meetings and actually contribute to the conversation regarding your network security. You no do not need to pretend to know everything because you can grasp what is being talked about, even on technical terms and jargons. Because truth be told, when you are in a room filled with IT professionals, they tend to talk in their language, even if they try to speak in layman’s terms. And so to make sure that you will not feel left out by your IT support Portland team, make sure that learned a thing or two about their language. That way, you can communicate better with your IT support, and not feel ignorant about the topic. And to be honest, knowing what the IT geeks are talking about is a huge boost of your morale as a person and as a businessman.

You can proudly tell your friends that you can understand and maybe speak a bit of the IT language. And that is indeed something to be proud of, because not all bosses cares much about the details of cybersecurity. They only want to know if it’s done. But you can go the extra mile, and actually did deep into the minds of IT professionals.

Be aware of what is truly going on

There are some companies that got burned by their own IT support, and you must never let that happen to you. You need to make sure that you hire only the best IT support Portland company in the country to ensure that you can truly trust them to preserve the integrity of your business. But, even if you have by your side the most trustworthy IT professionals, you still need to make sure that you know their process in securing your network and system. It is ideal that you check their work regularly, and you can only do that with accuracy if you know the basics about cybersecurity and IT. And so you should make it a point to learn what you can about the work of your IT support, so know what to check, and you can easily spot if there is something wrong. In short, by learning things about the cyber world, you can better understand how things work in your network’s cybersecurity, and you will know immediately if your IT support is doing something not right with your business.  

How to learn about IT and cybersecurity

Having an interest with how cybersecurity and IT roles are filled is crucial to the success of your company. You can ask your reliable IT support Portland team to conduct a basic training for you and your management team regarding cybersecurity and how IT professionals execute their functions. Allocated the time from your busy schedule for the sake of learning new things that could greatly benefit you and your people. You do not have to learn everything at once. You can create a schedule that suits your best, and have your IT support team provide training per schedule.

It would also be helpful if you can watch videos about cybersecurity, and write down what you want to understand better and ask your IT support about them. You can also refer to books and online articles to increase your knowledge about the cyber threats, cyber criminals, and IT professionals.

Aside from learning from your own IT support and researching through the web, you can also gain more perspective about cybersecurity and the technical responsibilities of your IT support Portland by hiring a third party tutor to educate you on the technical terms and jargons of cybersecurity and Information technology. At times, it is better to learn from someone outside of your IT support, especially if you have plans to keep your learning to yourself. Often, spying on your own IT support team is both fun and rewarding. You can appear to be uneducated about the jargons and terminologies of the IT crowd, but deep inside you do know. You are only pretending not to know their language in order to check if they are making a fool out of you. Most of the time, this strategy allows company owners and management to set a trap on their own IT support to find out where their loyalties lie.


It is absolutely a great idea to educate yourself about cybersecurity and IT, so no one can fool you about anything, especially when you are dealing with the cyber security of your business. Work together with your dedicated IT support Portland company with this.

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