When Your TV Not Connecting to Internet But Your Laptop Can: Troubleshooting Tips

When Your TV Not Connecting to Internet But Your Laptop Can: Troubleshooting Tips




It’s movie night, and you’re all set to stream your favorite show on your smart TV. You grab the popcorn, settle into your comfy spot on the couch, and then… nothing. Your TV not connecting to internet, despite your laptop having no issues. Frustrating, right? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with some troubleshooting tips to get your TV back online in no time.


Check Your Network Connection


The first step in troubleshooting TV not connecting to internet is to ensure that your network connection is working correctly. If your laptop is connected to the internet, but your TV isn’t, there may be an issue with your Wi-Fi network. Here’s what you can do:


  1. Restart Your Router


If your TV not connecting to internet, a simple yet effective solution is to restart your router. Over time, routers can encounter various issues that may affect their performance, including connectivity problems. By restarting your router, you can reset its settings and potentially resolve any issues that are preventing your TV from connecting to the internet.


To restart your router, follow these steps:


  1. Unplug the router from the power source.
  2. Wait for a few seconds to allow the router to completely power down.
  3. Plug the router back into the power source.
  4. Wait for the router to power up and establish a connection to the internet.


After restarting your router, check if your TV can now connect to the internet. If the issue persists, consider troubleshooting other potential causes, such as checking your TV’s network settings or contacting your internet service provider for further assistance.


  1. Check Wi-Fi Signal


Ensure that your TV is within range of your Wi-Fi router and that there are no physical obstructions blocking the signal.


  1. Reset Network Settings on Your TV


In your TV’s settings menu, look for an option to reset network settings. This will remove any saved network configurations and allow you to set up a new connection.


Troubleshoot Your TV’s Network Settings


If your network connection is fine, the issue may be with your TV’s network settings. Here’s how you can troubleshoot:


  1. Check Network Settings


If your TV not connecting to internet, the first step is to check your network settings. Access your TV’s network settings menu and verify that the correct Wi-Fi network is selected. Sometimes, TVs may inadvertently connect to a neighbor’s network or a similar-looking network, causing connectivity issues. 


Additionally, ensure that the password for your Wi-Fi network is correct. If you recently changed the password for your Wi-Fi network, your TV may still be trying to connect using the old password. Update the password in your TV’s network settings to match the current one.


If your TV not connecting to internet after verifying the network settings, consider power cycling your router and TV. Unplug both devices from power, wait for a few minutes, and then plug them back in. This can sometimes resolve connectivity issues by resetting the network connection.


  1. Restart Your TV


Just like with the router, a simple restart of your TV can sometimes fix connectivity issues.


  1. Update Your TV’s Software


Check for any available software updates for your TV. Manufacturers often release updates that fix bugs and improve connectivity.


Consider Using a Wired Connection


If your TV not connecting to internet wirelessly, it may be worth considering a wired connection instead. Most smart TVs come equipped with an Ethernet port, which allows you to connect directly to your router using an Ethernet cable. 


A wired connection can provide a more stable and reliable internet connection compared to a wireless connection. It can also eliminate potential Wi-Fi issues that may be causing your TV not to connect to the internet. 


To set up a wired connection, simply plug one end of an Ethernet cable into your TV’s Ethernet port and the other end into an available port on your router. Once connected, follow your TV’s on-screen instructions to configure the wired connection. This should resolve any connectivity issues you were experiencing with your TV not connecting to the internet wirelessly.


Check Your Internet Speed


Internet speed plays a crucial role in determining whether your TV not connecting to internet successfully. If your internet speed is insufficient, your TV may struggle to stream content, leading to buffering issues and poor video quality. To check your internet speed, you can use an online speed test tool, which will measure your download and upload speeds. 


Compare your internet speed to the minimum requirements for streaming to determine if it’s fast enough to support your TV’s streaming needs. If your internet speed is below the minimum requirements, consider upgrading your internet plan or optimizing your network settings to improve performance. By ensuring that your internet speed meets the necessary standards, you can enhance your TV’s ability to connect to the internet and enjoy seamless streaming experiences.


Contact Customer Support


If you’ve exhausted all the troubleshooting steps and your TV not connecting to internet, it’s time to reach out to customer support. When contacting them, be sure to provide specific details about the problem you’re facing, such as error messages or any recent changes to your network setup. Customer support can then provide you with further guidance or escalate the issue if necessary.


It’s important to remember that connectivity issues can sometimes be caused by factors outside your control, such as outages or firmware bugs. Customer support will have the expertise and resources to help you diagnose and resolve these issues, ensuring that you can get back to enjoying your favorite shows without delay.




In conclusion, dealing with a TV not connecting to internet can be a frustrating experience, especially when your laptop has no issues. However, by following the right troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve the issue and get back to enjoying your favorite shows. Start by checking your network connection to ensure that your Wi-Fi is working correctly. If your network is fine, proceed to troubleshoot your TV’s network settings, ensuring that the correct Wi-Fi network is selected and that the password is correct.


If you’re still having trouble, consider using a wired connection to connect your TV to the internet. This can provide a more stable connection, especially if you’re experiencing Wi-Fi issues. Additionally, check your internet speed to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements for streaming.


If none of these steps resolve the issue, don’t hesitate to contact customer support for assistance. They can provide further troubleshooting steps or arrange for a technician to visit your home and diagnose the problem.


By following these steps, you can quickly resolve connectivity issues with your smart TV and get back to enjoying your favorite shows without interruption.



About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more. Bytagig is setting the standard for MSPs by being placed on Channel Future’s NexGen 101 list.

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