WiFi not connected to internet

Unraveling the Mystery: WiFi Not Connected to Internet? Here’s How Regular Employees Can Troubleshoot


Unraveling the Mystery: WiFi Not Connected to Internet? Here’s How Regular Employees Can Troubleshoot




There are times when we find ourselves in a peculiar situation – connected to WiFi but with no internet access or WiFi not Connected to internet. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Fear not, dear reader, as we delve into the depths of this technological conundrum to help you troubleshoot like a pro. Therefore, seize your preferred caffeinated drink and join me in unraveling the enigma side by side!


  1. The Basics: Check the Obvious


Prior to delving into more intricate troubleshooting methods, let’s begin by addressing the fundamentals. Occasionally, the resolution can be found in the most straightforward of factors. Ensure that the WiFi router is powered on and the cables are securely connected. Verify if the internet connection functions on other devices connected to the same network. It is possible that there is a transient issue, so attempt to restart your device or enable and disable the WiFi connection as a troubleshooting step.


  1. Verify Network Credentials

How to troubleshoot wifi not connected to internet?

Often, the issue stems from incorrect network credentials. Ensure that you are connected to the accurate WiFi network by verifying it. If you have recently modified the WiFi password, confirm that your device is updated with the updated login details. Remember, those tiny typos can wreak havoc on your connectivity!


  1. The Notorious Router Reset


Ah, the router reset – the ultimate savior in many connectivity troubles. Find the reset button on your WiFi router and hold it down for several seconds until the lights start to flash. This action will restore the router’s settings to factory defaults, giving you a fresh start. But beware, this step erases any customized settings, so you might need to reconfigure your WiFi network afterward.


  1. Sneaky Software and Firewall Issues

How to troubleshoot wifi not connected to internet?

Sometimes, your device’s software can interfere with the WiFi connection. Check if any recent software updates have caused compatibility issues. Additionally, ensure that your device’s firewall settings are not blocking internet access. Temporarily disable the firewall or add the necessary exceptions to allow communication with the internet.


  1. Unmasking the DNS Troubles


Domain Name System (DNS) is the service that translates web addresses into IP addresses. DNS issues can often disrupt your internet connection. Consider changing your DNS server to determine if it resolves the issue. Well-known alternatives include Google DNS ( and or Cloudflare DNS ( and You can configure DNS settings in your device’s network settings or router’s control panel.


  1. Router Firmware Update


Just like your smartphone or computer, routers receive periodic firmware updates to fix bugs and improve performance. Outdated firmware can sometimes lead to connectivity issues. Access your router’s administration panel (usually through a web browser) and check for any available firmware updates. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the update and breathe new life into your router.


  1. Channel Congestion Woes

How to troubleshoot wifi not connected to internet?

WiFi signals operate on specific channels, and sometimes congestion can occur, leading to reduced performance. Use a WiFi analyzer app to identify which channels are congested in your vicinity. Once identified, access your router’s control panel and manually set it to a less crowded channel. This simple adjustment can significantly improve your internet connection.


  1. Quality of Service (QoS) Prioritization


In the event of multiple devices connected to the same WiFi network, there might be a bandwidth conflict leading to certain devices losing internet connectivity. Adjust the Quality of Service (QoS) settings to address this issue. By configuring QoS on your router, you can prioritize bandwidth allocation to specific devices or applications, ensuring a seamless online experience for your most important tasks.


  1. Seek Professional Assistance


If all other attempts are unsuccessful, it could be necessary to seek assistance from professionals. Contact your company’s IT department or reach out to the customer support of your internet service provider for further assistance. They have the technical expertise to identify and resolve more complex issues. Feel free to provide them with a comprehensive description of the troubleshooting measures you have already undertaken without any hesitation. This information will help them diagnose the problem more efficiently.


  1. Update Device Drivers

How to troubleshoot wifi not connected to internet?

Outdated or incompatible device drivers can sometimes interfere with your WiFi connection. Make sure that the drivers for your network adapter are current by updating them. You can visit the manufacturer’s website or use a driver update utility to download and install the most recent drivers specifically designed for your device. This simple step can often resolve connectivity issues.


  1. Clear DNS Cache


A corrupted DNS cache can cause internet connectivity problems. To eliminate the DNS cache on your device, access the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac), and enter the relevant command: “ipconfig /flushdns” (Windows) or “sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder” (Mac). This action clears the cached DNS data, forcing your device to fetch fresh DNS information.


  1. Consider Router Placement and Interference

How to troubleshoot wifi not connected to internet?

WiFi signals can be affected by physical barriers and interference from other electronic devices. Make certain that your router is positioned centrally, away from walls and obstacles. Avoid placing it in close proximity to cordless phones, microwave ovens, or other devices that emit electromagnetic waves. Optimizing the router’s placement can improve signal strength and overall connectivity.


  1. Factory Reset as the Last Resort


If all else fails and you’ve exhausted every troubleshooting step, a factory reset may be your final option. Keep in mind that a factory reset erases all settings and configurations on your router, returning it to its original state. Refer to the manual of your router or visit the manufacturer’s website to obtain guidance on executing a factory reset. Remember to back up any important settings or information before proceeding.


  1. Temporary Hotspot as a Backup


If you are still encountering difficulties in establishing a reliable internet connection through your WiFi network, you may want to consider utilizing your smartphone as a temporary hotspot. Most modern smartphones have the capability to create a personal hotspot by tethering their cellular data connection. Activate the hotspot functionality on your phone and establish a connection with your device. Although this is not a permanent solution, it can act as a contingency plan to maintain connectivity until the WiFi problem is resolved.




Facing the frustrating scenario of having wifi not connected to internet is a common occurrence in our digital lives. By following these troubleshooting steps, even regular employees can become tech-savvy problem solvers. Remember, patience and persistence are key. Therefore, if you encounter this connectivity challenge again in the future, do not worry! Armed with these troubleshooting techniques, you’ll be back to surfing the web, streaming videos, and conquering your digital tasks in no time. Happy troubleshooting!

About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more. Bytagig is setting the standard for MSPs by being placed on Channel Future’s NexGen 101 list.

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