Saying Goodbye to Internet Explorer End of Support: Who Benefits and What's Next?

Saying Goodbye to Internet Explorer End of Support: Who Benefits and What’s Next?




The Internet Explorer end of support represents a significant shift in Microsoft’s browser strategy, signaling a move towards modernization and improved user experiences. By discontinuing support for IE, Microsoft is encouraging users to transition to its more advanced browser, Microsoft Edge, which offers a range of features designed to enhance productivity and security.


Users stand to benefit the most from this change, as they will have access to a browser that is faster, more secure, and better optimized for modern web standards. Additionally, developers will no longer have to contend with IE’s outdated rendering engine, allowing them to focus on creating websites and web applications that leverage the latest technologies.


Overall, the Internet Explorer end of support marks a positive step forward for Microsoft and its users, signaling a commitment to innovation and a modern browsing experience.


The End of an Era


The Internet Explorer end of support signifies the end of an era for a browser that once reigned supreme. In the early 2000s, Internet Explorer was the undisputed king of browsers, commanding a significant market share. However, its downfall began as competitors like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox emerged, offering faster performance, better security, and more innovative features.


Despite Microsoft’s efforts to revamp Internet Explorer and address its shortcomings, such as the release of Microsoft Edge, the damage to IE’s reputation was already done. Users had moved on to more modern browsers, leaving IE behind as a relic of the past.


The Internet Explorer end of support serves as a reminder of the importance of staying current with technology. In today’s fast-paced digital world, innovation is key, and browsers must continuously evolve to meet the changing needs of users. As we bid farewell to Internet Explorer, we look forward to a future where browsers are faster, more secure, and more capable than ever before.


Who Benefits from IE’s Demise?




The Internet Explorer end of support brings significant benefits to users, addressing long-standing issues that have plagued the browser for years. IE has been widely criticized for its sluggish performance, outdated interface, and numerous security vulnerabilities. By transitioning to a modern browser like Edge, users can expect a considerable improvement in their browsing experience.


Modern browsers offer faster browsing speeds, thanks to their optimized rendering engines and support for modern web technologies. This means websites and web applications will load quicker and run more smoothly, enhancing overall productivity and user satisfaction.


Moreover, modern browsers like Edge boast enhanced security features that protect users from online threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and malicious websites. Features like built-in tracking protection and sandboxing ensure a safer browsing experience, giving users peace of mind while exploring the web.


Additionally, modern browsers are better equipped to handle modern websites and web applications, which often rely on advanced features and technologies not supported by IE. By making the switch, users can enjoy improved compatibility with a wider range of websites and access to the latest web innovations.




The Internet Explorer end of support marks a significant improvement for developers, freeing them from the constraints imposed by IE’s outdated rendering engine. For years, developers struggled to create websites and web applications that functioned consistently across various browsers, with IE often requiring special attention due to its unique quirks and lack of support for modern web standards.


With IE no longer in the picture, developers can now focus on building websites that leverage the latest web technologies without the burden of IE compatibility issues. This newfound freedom allows developers to innovate and create richer, more dynamic web experiences that take full advantage of the capabilities offered by modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.


Additionally, developers can now devote more time and resources to optimizing their websites for performance and user experience, rather than spending countless hours trying to make them work in IE. This shift not only benefits developers but also users, who can expect to see more feature-rich and responsive websites as a result.




The Internet Explorer end of support has unexpectedly positioned Microsoft as a beneficiary. With the cessation of IE support, Microsoft can now concentrate its efforts on enhancing Edge, its modern web browser. This strategic shift enables Microsoft to streamline its browser offerings, focusing on a single, more advanced platform. This decision also sends a clear message to users and developers that Microsoft is dedicated to delivering a modern, secure browsing experience, potentially boosting Edge’s market share in the process.


By aligning its resources towards Edge, Microsoft can accelerate the development of new features and improvements, enhancing the browser’s performance, security, and compatibility. This focused approach benefits users who are seeking a more reliable and feature-rich browsing experience. Developers, too, can benefit from this change, as Edge’s improved performance and compatibility can simplify the development process and encourage the adoption of modern web technologies.


The Internet Explorer end of support has paved the way for Microsoft to strengthen its position in the browser market with Edge, demonstrating its commitment to delivering a competitive and secure browsing experience.


What’s Next?


With IE on its way out, what lies ahead for the world of web browsing? Here are a few key trends to keep an eye on:


Continued Rise of Chrome and Firefox


Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have been the biggest beneficiaries of IE’s decline, and they are likely to continue to dominate the browser market. Both browsers offer a fast, secure browsing experience and are supported by large, active developer communities.


Increased Focus on Privacy and Security


With the Internet Explorer end of support, there’s a heightened focus on privacy and security in the browsing landscape. Users are increasingly aware of the risks associated with online activities, leading to a demand for more robust privacy features from browsers. Features like built-in ad blockers, enhanced tracking protection, and support for secure protocols like HTTPS are becoming standard, offering users greater control over their online data.


Browsers are responding to these concerns by prioritizing privacy and security in their development. They are continuously improving their privacy features to protect user data from various online threats, such as tracking cookies and malicious websites. As technology evolves, browsers will likely integrate even more advanced security measures to ensure user privacy and data protection remain paramount.


The Internet Explorer end of support has spurred a positive trend towards enhanced privacy and security features in browsers. Users can expect continued innovation in this area, with browsers striving to provide the safest possible online experience.


Innovation in Web Technologies


With IE out of the picture, developers are free to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible on the web. Look for new web technologies and standards to emerge, enabling developers to create richer, more immersive web experiences.




The Internet Explorer end of support signifies a significant shift in the browsing landscape, signaling the need for users to migrate to more modern, secure browsers. While Internet Explorer was once a pioneer in the browser space, its failure to keep pace with evolving web standards and security requirements has rendered it obsolete. This move not only benefits users, who can now enjoy faster, more secure browsing experiences, but also developers, who can focus on creating cutting-edge web applications without the constraints imposed by Internet Explorer’s outdated technology. 


Microsoft, too, stands to gain from this transition, as it can now concentrate its resources on improving its modern browser offerings, such as Microsoft Edge. As we move forward, the Internet Explorer end of support serves as a reminder of the rapid pace of technological advancement and the importance of staying current with the latest innovations in the digital world.


About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more.

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