Portland IT Services

Portland IT Services Understanding Cloud Technologies

Without a doubt, a cloud based system greatly enhances the efficiency of your company, and the cost for such services is significantly reduced when you create your own. And so it is crucial that you choose the best Portland IT services company to assist you with your company’s cloud migration, so can better improve the productivity and success of your company. You need to understand that with a cloud based system, you and everyone in your company can gain access to all your company files, emails, documents, applications, and programs from anywhere in the world. You no longer need to stress your head about the expensive upkeep of hardware, servers, and upgraded of software. Everything is taken cared of without causing any headache to you. Simply leave the security of your network and stability of your system to your chosen IT support, and they will handle your cloud based system for the betterment of your precious company. And to help you understand much better how the cloud works, we will be discussing the primary six types of cloud technology. Only in fully understanding the different cloud systems can you truly grasp the importance of a cloud based system for your company.

Cloud migration

Cloud migration is the efficient method of transferring your company application, programs, and data into a cloud computing atmosphere. This process can be performed by transferring local data and system to a cloud, or from one cloud based system to another, which is called cloud to cloud migration. Also, cloud migration could entail a reverse process, where the data and system are taken from the cloud into a local server or data center. Whatever your preferred process is, or whatever your company needs regarding cloud migration, your dedicated Portland IT services can definitely help you reach your goals and accomplish your mission with your company through cloud migration. And with the efficient assistance of your IT support, you can have a safe and secure cloud migration process that will keep all your data, programs, and application safe from hackers.

Cloud audits and strategies

In a regular basis, a cloud auditor is needed in order to execute an independent observation of the cloud based system. This strategy is put in place in order to check if the cloud based system conforms to the strict standards and requirements. The cloud service is efficiently evaluated in terms of performance, privacy impact, and security controls. And the best professional who can perform this cloud audit with effective strategies are Portland IT services and at the same time, they can help your company abide by the standards and requirements to avoid legal issues. You need to understand that every cloud based system must always be in par with the standards of the federal agencies.

Cloud backups

A cloud backup is also called a cloud computer backup and it involves the backup of all your computer data into a cloud based server and that is done remotely. Basically, a cloud backup is a storage in the cloud that makes it possible for you to store your data, programs, applications, and documents is a cloud that is connected to multiple servers. You never have to worry about downtimes when you are connected to a cloud, because there are multiple servers that connects your data to you, so even if one server is down, you and your whole company can still access your company data. So makes sure that you choose the best Portland IT services company to handle your cloud backup in order to guarantee that your data is extremely safe and secure from cyber criminals.

Shared public cloud hosting

When it comes to a shared public cloud hosting, your company does not handle the management of the cloud based system. It is the cloud provider’s job to manage your cloud based system, and maintain the upkeep of your data center. However, many businesses do worry about the security of this kind of cloud hosting. And so if you prefer to go through this road, you must also get the assistance of a reliable Portland IT services company to oversee the processes of your cloud based system.

Dedicated private cloud hosting

A private cloud hosting is also called as an enterprise or internal cloud, and you can find this on a hosted data center or the intranet of the company, where all the data of your whole business is safeguarded through the security of a firewall. This kind of cloud hosting is perfect if your business already have its own data centers, since you are already making use of your existing infrastructure, which is quite expensive. And in this cloud service, the responsibility of the upkeep of the cloud based system is your company, so you must hire a professional and extremely skilled Portland IT services to handle all your private cloud hosting needs.

Office 365

The Office 365 is a highly efficient cloud based Microsoft suite that is composed of productivity apps. If you choose to subscribe to this cloud, your company will definitely gain tons of benefits, and the productivity of your whole team is enhanced greatly. You and your management team can easily communicate and share data with the Office 365 cloud, and you can see all the reports from every department in real time. Plus, your company operational cost is dramatically lessened through the use of this cloud based system for your business.


Whatever you decide to use among the different cloud technology services, you need to always remember that you need the helping expertise of an IT support team. You should be cautious in choosing which cloud service you will subscribe for to handle your business, but of course, regardless of your selection, always make sure that you can trust your new Portland IT services company completely. The security, integrity, and future of your company is reliant on the efficiency of your preferred cloud based system, and with your IT support.

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