Portland IT Services

Portland IT Services Safety of Online Shopping

Because of the pandemic that plagues the world, people all over the globe are resorting to online shopping mostly because it is such a huge hassle to shop physically due to the hundreds, if not thousands of people who are shopping for supplies. However, even before Covid-19 hits the earth, online shopping is already a huge trend that keeps on increasing as the months past. That is why you need to consider getting the professional assistance of the best Portland IT services in the country, so your shopping experience is extremely safe and secure. You need to protect yourself against cybercrimes that are often done by cold-hearted hackers who wants to take advantage of the use of thousands of credit cards that are used every day for online purchases. And so if your bread and butter is buying sale products online and resell them online, then your small business is definitely at risk from cybercrimes. You need to remember that cyber criminals are smart and they know how to get what they want from their target. So if you are already spotted as an online shopper and online retailer, then you better get your things in order and hire a highly rated Portland IT services team to take care of your online shopping security for you.

Features of online shopping you should know about

It is no secret that many cyber criminals are using online shopping platform to steal credit card information, and gain entry various networks. They can cause a redirect from the original sopping website to their twin site just so you can provide your personal and banking information without the slightest clue of what is going on. And if you do not want your confidential data stolen as well as your money, then be aware of the following information regarding online shopping.

SSL Certification awareness

When you shop online, you can be sure about the legitimacy of the website by checking the SSL certificate of the ordering platform. As a retailer of goods and products, you need to know how to look for this feature, and the good news is there are various ways to find it.

First off, check if the URL of the website has as “S” after the http:// because https:// guarantees that the website is secure and has an SSL certification. However, if you notice that the other pages of the website does not contain an “S”, then do not be alarmed since some websites do not include the “s” on their site pages, but only in their homepage. But to be sure, ask the guidance of your Portland IT services team and have them check out the website for your security in using your credit card.

You can also find the visual clues that can tell you of the website is secure for online purchase or not. A symbol of a lock is an indication of a safe ordering platform, as well as an address bar that has a green color. Once you see both visual signs, then you know that the Secure Socket Layer or SSL is in place and the website is ready for the processing of your order in a very secure manner.

Other methods to shop online securely

Since you cannot go out to the malls or shopping centers to buy products that you can resell, online shopping is your best bet. However, you know that cyber criminals are getting smarter every day, and they are always looking for an easy prey. They have no respect whatsoever if you are honestly working hard to fill your table with food. All they care about is earning money themselves the easy way. So with the help of your Portland IT services, you must shop online in a more secure  manner by following the following tips.

1. Never open emails from people you do not know, especially if they are branded as spams, and they look malicious. Most especially, do not open attachments, even if it says that you will get huge discounts when you do. Remember that scammers and hackers are good at creating emails that will lure their unsuspecting victims into opening their emails that actually contain malwares and other viruses. And to make sure that you are always protected from these types of attempt of attack, have your Portland IT services install a program that will screen your emails and will alert you if any malware is included in the contents. You need to be extra careful, since you are dealing with online transactions.

2. Make it a habit to use strong passwords only, and never share it with anyone, even to your special someone. Keep your passwords a secret, and keep on changing them from time to time. Take note not to include your name, birthday, and anything personal in your choice of passwords since those are obvious choices for hackers to use to hack your accounts.

3. When you shop online, make time to check the legitimacy of the business you are buying from. It wouldn’t hurt to check out the website of the Better Business Bureau and check if the company you are eyeing to purchase from is legit and has high ratings. Because aside from security in your purchases, you also need to be cautious about the quality of the products you will purchase online. Also, by knowing if the online store has a high rating, you can be confident that your credit card information is safe and will not be compromised. But of course, ask the assistance of your reliable Portland IT services company to help you identify the trustworthy online sellers from the suspicious ones. Your IT support has the necessary tools to find out if there is something fishy about a certain online company or not. And by hiring your very own IT support, you are a hundred percent sure that your purchases online are all secure, and no risk with your card.

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