IT Support Portland

IT Support Portland What To Do if You’re Not Happy With Yours

When you hired your company’s  IT Support Portland, you were expecting that they will do the best job possible to keep your company safe from hackers and create and maintain a string cybersecurity for your network. However, you are not completely satisfied with their services because there are times when you experience network downtimes, which is absolutely irritating and you lose a lot of customers and money when that happens. But in general, your technical team is doing a good job, except for those cases where they are not good and they fail to execute what was indicated in the contract. And so if you are not satisfied, do you violate the terms of the contract and end it? Or do you try to work things out?

Breaking the contract

The signed contract between your company and the IT Support Portland is a legally binding contract that comes with repercussions when broken. You need to think real hard about the consequences. Is your dissatisfaction strong enough to end your business relationship with your IT support team? Are they really so bad at their job, or they are not just experienced enough to meet the same high level as other IT service companies in the industry? Are you even paying them enough for them to do their job right? Or did you choose a technical support team because they are cheap?

There are so many questions that you need to ask yourself before you decide to let go of your IT support. Keep in mind that breaking the contract could mean that they will sue you for not minding the contract. The IT service company can push for legal actions, and you can possibly end up paying a lot of money for violating the contract.

Also, it could be that the IT Support Portland you hired is actually the cheapest in the market, that is why you cannot really blame them for messing things up sometime. Cheap technical supports often means that they are inexperienced in the field of Information Technology, that is why they cannot ask for a much higher rate because they have no experience to boost. And if that is the case, then maybe you can try to understand each other and allow them to learn what they need to learn so you can benefit from their newfound knowledge and leverage them to make your company grow bigger.

Transparency is the key

Instead of ending your contract with your current IT Support Portland, it would be much better to become transparent to them about your displeasure with their work. Have a face to face sit down with them and be clear about what is going on. Tell them the lack of skills you noticed in them, and let them know that their inefficiency is greatly affecting your business. Hear them out so you can both let out what you have in your minds and hearts.

It could be that they are actually having a hard time fulfilling their responsibilities because they have no huge experience to back them up. Your network could be a bit more than they can handle, but they are actually doing everything they can to learn and they are getting better at it, though the learning curve is just starting. If this is the case, then you can both compromise and allow them to grow in their expertise, and let them learn more about your system. Eventually they will become better, and it is all thanks to your humane handling.

Allowing your current IT Support Portland team to stay after they have admitted their inadequacy but promised to be better is actually a huge advantage for you. You are paying them lower than other IT supports in the country, and that is mainly the reason why they are not very good at their job. But, if you keep the, they can learn to perform better and still with a low cost to you. And if you think about it, hiring a highly skilled IT support team will cost probably twice, even tree times more what you are paying now. So you can indeed save more money if you allow your present IT support to learn from your business.

Understanding is important in business relationships

Your dissatisfaction with your IT Support Portland can indeed cause an annoying headache to you but once you have a talk and clear things out, you can finally breathe and decide on what to do with the technical support. The urge to break the contract is strong, but you know that you will face serious consequences when you fire them before the contract ends. But, as a reasonable business person, you know that giving a second chance can go a long way for people. If you let your current IT support to serve you while learning from your network, then they can definitely thank you for your generosity by working harder than any other IT support in the industry. They can become the best in the Information Technology world someday all thanks to your compassion and giving them a second chance. In return, they will be loyal to your company and will do everything they can to toughen your network’s shield so no cyber crime can ever bring chaos to your seamless system.

And more than that, in time when the IT Support Portland that you have given a chance becomes popular, they will surely increase their IT rate. And when that happens, they may show their gratitude to you by not raising their fees for your company alone. When this happens, you not only gain an extremely loyal IT Support, but you are saving a lot of money too on the monthly technical support fee. And with their help, your business can grow bigger, until you too can compete with the large businesses in the industry. And so it is a win win situation where both prospered.

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