IT Support Portland

IT Support Portland Tips To Become Great

Your job as an IT Support Portland is not easy, but you know that it is what you want and you excel in this field. You have chosen this path because you dream of gaining financial stability and freedom in this career, and so you need to always make sure that you do good at your job. However, like any other human in the planet, there are really times when you get tired of doing the same thing over and over, and you feel that you are getting stagnate. Pus, your job as IT support does not really promote your social life since you are often alone in your shift, and there are only a handful of you in your IT service company. Deep down you know that you need to fight your boredom and distress, but forcing yourself to work harder sometimes backfires and makes you do your job less efficiently. And so to help you rekindle your love for your work, there are some tips that you can give to yourself that you can also offer to other ITs who are losing their shine in the technological world.

Reminisce on old times                

The trick to remember all the good and fun times you had when your studying Information Technology and when you had your first job actually works. By remembering the reasons why you pursued your dreams to become a successful IT Support Portland, you are somewhat revived because you can see your old self and how happy you were that your goal is achieved. Never allow yourself to forget where you came from, because when you get along the  way to financial stability, you can always count on your memories to lead you back to the path that you have worked so hard to take.


It is a fun fact that some ITs do not have a life outside their computer screens, which is sadly true. They are so engrossed with cybersecurity, hacking, network breach, and anything that has to do with technology, they fail to see that life has passed them by. And so to create balance in your routine life as an IT Support Portland, you need to make it a point to go out and socialize. Do not stay at home and play with your computer during your day off. Call your friends and go out. Go bar hopping, enjoy eating in restaurants, go bowling, and any other activities that signifies that you still know how to have fun when you are not facing your computer. Be active on social media, meet new people, and most importantly, go on a date. Do not allow yourself to stay single for a long time. Find a partner who gets your nerdy side, but who can also see the fun aspect of your personality. Just simply live.

Life balance

You need to teach yourself to create a balance between your work life and your personal life. Do not always go on overtime, though that is absolutely good for your finances. So do it sometimes only, and not all the time. Do not let your work consume you. When the clock hits the hour when your shift is over, then stop working and pack your things, and go. Go visit a friend, or go to the mall, enjoy your time in a coffee shop, or simply mingle with people. When you get off work, your life as and IT Support Portland must cease to exist, and your personal life must come out. Do all the things that you love to do. In fact, you should create a list of your dream activities, and do them. Cross off your list until you are done doing everything you like to do, and then create a new list. Make sure that you include other people in your activities so can have more fun.

Learn new skills

Truth be told, being an IT Support Portland is actually fun and exciting. But if you start to feel down about your job and does not feel excitement anymore, then it could be that you have not evolved as an IT and your skills when you first started are still the same ones you have now. What you need to do is learn new skills, be certified in new technologies and software so your learning continues and you will not feel that you have stagnate anymore. Technology never ceases to update, upgrade, and change, so you should not stop too. Look for new software that you can learn about and get certified. That will surely add a new skill to your sleeves and you will become more in demand thanks to your new capability. The main reason why you are bored is your inability to push yourself forward. Change that attitude and aim for new certifications to add to your current badges, and watch how you get paid more because of it

Take vacations

You need to take note that you actually have a life outside the world of IT Support Portland. So go on vacations during holidays, or on your birthday, or go take some days off so you can visit your family. You have the privilege to go on a long vacation so take advantage of it and have fun. Go to another state or country and simply relax and have super fun. It would be better to bring someone special on your trip, but if there is no one, then be positive about things. You may actually meet your soul mate during your vacation, so do not lose hope. And once you are luxuriating in a beach somewhere or enjoying the picturesque mountains, you can rejuvenate and feel refreshed about life. And in your solitude you will contemplate all the things you want in life, and you would definitely realize again that your dream is no other than to become the best IT Support Portland has ever produced. And then you can go back home happily.

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