IT Support Portland Talks About Importance of Strong Passwords for Websites

Your IT support Portland is there to guide you with strengthening your cybersecurity and making sure that black hat hackers cannot find any vulnerability in your network and system. And one of the most important you need to do is set up the strongest password for your company website, especially if you have your products displayed in your website, and you process online transactions in a daily basis. Your website is filled with a world of information about your company and customers, and you must make absolutely sure that no one can access your website without your permission.

Who can have the website password?

This is a tricky part. Many companies are so lax with their company website password, and they allow almost all of their employees to access the site, which absolutely a big no, as for any responsible IT support Portland companies in the land. However, that lack of control can lead to unintentional damage to your company website, so choose only a handful of people whom you give access to your website’s contents. The less people who can make changes and get inside the inner workings of your website, the better.

Aside from you of course, the other people who should have the password to your company website are your website manager, order in-charge, and IT professional in-charge of the maintenance. These people are vital to the operation of the website, and no one else must gain access to it. Even if you have other employees who contribute to the content of the site, they can submit the written contents to the IT professional or website manager so they can encode them. But as much as possible, limit the number of employees who can get inside your company website using the password.

Too many authorized people can accidentally alter the website

The fact is, many website accidental alterations are caused by human error. It is mainly because there are too much people logging into the website, mostly at the same time using different computers. And so it is strongly advised by IT support Portland companies to curtail the people with access to the company access. Only the essential personnel must have the authorization to access, so human error can be prevented. And if there is indeed an accidental alteration, at least it is clear who made the mistake, and it can be rectified immediately.

Greater risk of password falling into the wrong hands

If there are more than three people who has access to your company website, the risk is greater for the password to fall into hands of hackers. Remember that black hat hackers are intelligent enough to find ways to crack passwords, and if they cannot get your company website password, then they would hack the devices of your employees and find what they need there.

And aside from hackers, your company website runs the risk of getting accessed by the wrong people. This could happen if there are too many people who know the password, and one of them could give access to your company website to their new partner just to impress them with their power to log in to the website. That is why highly skilled IT support Portland companies discourages businesses to entrust the key to the company website to many employees, not matter how much you trust them. Choose a small number of people whom you know will never compromise your business.

Preserve customer’s trust by guarding the company website securely

Your customer trust that your company will keep their personal and credit card data secure. But if there are too many people who can easily log in to your company website, then there may come a time in the near future where your customer details are compromised by your own people. It would be okay of you have employees who puts very high value on integrity. But if you have people who can easily get swayed by money, then they can access your company website in a remote location and steal your customer’s sensitive data, sell their identity, or make use of their credit card information. And of that problem happens, your IT support Portland company will have lot on their plate, and you will have trust issues to take care of with your loyal customers. You need to always bear in mind that when customer information is compromised, they can sue you for negligence, and your company can end up spending your finances on paying off angry and compromised customers. So make sure that you avoid the mistake of trusting many employees with your company website.

Monitor your website regularly

And now that you only have a few people with the authorized access to your company website, you need to ask you IT support to create a code or program that allows you to monitor every single transaction or modification that happens on your website real time. You need to monitor all activities, especially since the cyber threat never seem to back down. But of course you can trust in your reliable IT support Portland company to help you secure your website, and your whole cybersecurity for your network and system. Do your regular website monitoring, and make it random. Most of the time, it is during random check ups when business owners find anomalies in their company websites. So go ahead and randomly process a check up at your convenience.

Final say

In business, it’s quite difficult to find people whom you can completely trust with your website password. The hackers are always there, and their invisible presence is causing paranoia to many businesses, and often their fears do come true. That is why it is crucial to limit the number of authorized people to enter your company website. You need to have a guarantee that no one in your trusted circle will succumb to the dark path. And let your IT support Portland perform their role.

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