IT Support Portland

IT Support Portland Pros and Cons for Hiring your Friend

Your need for IT Support Portland is obvious, since all companies that is worth mentioning in the industry have their own dedicated IT service support to handle their technical issues. And as it so happens, your friend from college is starting a new IT support company that is actually in line with the technical support that your company needs. Your friend asked you to use his company to take care of your IT needs. As a friend, you want to hire your friend since you want his business to bloom. But on the other hand, as a business owner yourself you are hesitant to take a risk with your friend. You do believe never to mix business with pleasure, and that policy is similarly the same as never to bring relatives or friends to your business. And so to help you with your dilemma, we will discuss the pros and cons of hiring your friend as your new IT guy. Both have merits, and so you need to think about this very seriously. Remember that it’s not only your friendship that is at stake.

Why hiring your friend is a good idea

You know that your friend is a good IT and you do have compassion for him and wants to hire him to handle your technical side of things. And as your potential IT Support Portland for your business, you are listing down the advantages of hiring him. Be honest with your assessments, and it is also good if you can talk about this with your friend, together with the disadvantages of hiring him. Always be transparent with your thoughts business wise and personally, so you can clear away any confusion you might have.

Detailed Pros:

  • Your friend can be trusted since you know his personality and capability for years.
  • You do not have to hire a stranger to work as your IT Support Portland since you already the guy.
  • You can easily talk to him about IT issues without holding back.
  • Your friend can go the extra mile to help your business grow larger by ensuring that you will never have to face cyber attacks or get hacked.
  • Your friendship can become stronger when you work together and constantly communicate with each other.
  • You can possibly get a discount from the monthly fees since you are friends with your new IT Support Portland has to offer.
  • It is easier to communicate with an IT friend compared with someone you just met.
  • You can help your friend’s business be known in the industry as an excellent IT service company, and he can reciprocate your help by doing an extra great job in maintaining your system’s security.
  • The friendship you have with your IT support is a great foundation of a good and efficient working relationship that is very productive for you both.

Why hiring your friend is not a good idea

Though there are many advantages to hiring your friend as someone to handle your IT Support Portland company aspect, you are clouded with doubts for so many reasons. It is okay to have hesitations about your decision, but make your doubts clear to yourself and your friend so there is transparency between you too. Do not keep your friend in the dark, and talk to him why you cannot hire him yet until you made a decision. Let us explore your doubts about this decision process. And then open it up with your friend so you can take care of things and clear up any misunderstanding. After a, it is always better to be honest with a friend than hide your true feelings about his IT service company.

Detailed Cons:

  • Your friend is a great guy but you do not have 100% belief in his skills and capabilities.
  • It would be very hard to keep your distance and draw the line with your friends, since you will become his boss and he will be working for you.
  • The employee-employer business relationship can put a strain tot you friendship. But your bond can also be broken if you will not hire him as your new IT Support Portland has to offer.
  • If in your personal lives you will have conflicts, your relationship in the business level may be affected, and that is absolutely bad for business.
  • Your friend may not take his job as your new IT support and he becomes super complacent with his responsibilities just because he is a friend of the company owner.
  • Your friend may ask for many favors that he believes you are inclined to provide because you are friends, and that could ruin your business in the long run.
  • As your new IT Support Portland had produced, your friend may not be as good as the other experienced IT service companies, and you only hire him because of an emotional push.

Conclusion It is never easy to choose between friendship and your own company. Trusting the IT side of your business to a dear friend is not such a bad idea, especially if he is extremely capable of doing his job. But, you need to learn how to draw the line. During business hours, you and him are company owner and hired IT. And beyond working hours, you are good friends. Never cross the line, and make the line very clear before you both sign on the dotted line. Include in your contract every detail of the IT job he will do for your company, and make the terms and phrases very simple so there are no misunderstandings in the future. You both need to keep your ends of the bargain, and work as professionals and never let your friendship get in the way of both your successes. And once the line is crystal clear and you both agree to keep your professional and personal lives separate, then you have your company a new reliable IT Support Portland has ever produced

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