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IT Support Portland Professionals Teaches Computer Ethics To Their Kids

IT Support Portland professionals have gone through years of experience in the IT world, and when they have a family of their own, they partake their learning to their children. It is especially true for kids who have the same knack for IT stuffs as their parents. And of course, no one is an exemption since every child goes through computer classes during their education time. Wise ITs personally teach their kids the sacred ten commandments in using a computer to their smart children.
Never harm other people with the use of a computer.
Computer ethics was not discussed with children who grew up to be black hat hackers. Or maybe they know about this computer commandment, but they ignored it. This first commandment clearly states that the use of computers must not be to bring havoc to a person’s life. As an IT Support Portland professional, it is the responsibility of such a position to uphold people’s fairness and equality in terms of computer and internet uses. IT wants their kids to understand the importance of not hurting others with their computer skills. Hopefully, the children will take this commandment by heart and become good model IT’s in the future.
Do not interfere with any computer work done by other people.
It is essential for IT’s to teach their kids never to interfere, other people, when they work on their computers. It is absolutely rude to do so, regardless if they are doing something serious or just chilling. Kids need to learn to respect others’ privacy, let the grown-ups continue with their computer works, and never distract their classmates or friends from their computer activities.
No one should snoop around to check other people’s computer files.
Once again, computer ethics were not adequately taught by old ones on cybercriminals. IT Support Portland professionals teach their kids that it is not acceptable to secretly open another computer and look into the documents folder to see what information is inside. No matter how tempting it is or how much bribery is imposing upon people, it is essential to respect the files that are not their own. ITs certainly have high hopes for their children, and they want them to understand that snooping around other people’s property is illegal, not to mention extremely rude, improper, and discouraging. Kids need to know at a young age that any file that is not created or saved by them is off-limits. When properly homeschooled about this computer commandment, children are highly likely to follow the right path and not become cybercriminals.
Never steal anything using a computer.
Stealing is not right, no matter what the means to do so. And for seasoned IT Support Portland professionals, these career people know that it is easy for anyone who has a computer and IT background to steal credit card information, identity, and files from others through remote access or physical computer access. And so IT’s teaching their children to respect other people, never use their computer skills to steal anything, and only use their talents to do good and perform their jobs in the IT industry with excellence. If children listen to their parents, then they will never grow up to be on the wrong side of the law.
A computer can not be utilized to bear false witness.
It is imperative for IT’s to let their children know that a computer must only use for the good of the people or the industry and not be utilized to bear false witness to any illegal activity. A computer must not be used to falsify any evidence, or alter some information, or create false documentation for any purpose. Kids must know about this commandment at a young age so they can grow into honest IT Support Portland professionals someday.
No one is allowed to copy or use a program or software without authorization.
ITs with kids teach their children at a young age to never copy or use any computer program or software unless they are authorized to do so or paid to do so. It is good to teach this lesson to young minds to grow up, knowing that integrity is essential in the IT industry.
Never use any computer resources that are owned by someone else without permission.
It is okay to borrow a computer and even use it, but what is not okay is if people use the computer’s resources without any authorization from the owner. So IT’s informing their children always to gain approval from a computer owner to sue their device and whatever is inside for their personal use.
Never look down on the intellectual output of other people.
IT Support Portland professionals understand that IT and computer are not easy, and so many students or IT’s may differ in opinion and output regarding the matter. And because of this, some people have lower intellects than others. When kids encounter this kind of person in the future, they must understand never to laugh or look down on any input or output created by others.
Always be mindful of the consequences of written programs or software.
Computer programs or software can bring chaos to the world if they are exploited or fall into the wrong hands. IT children know better than to create one without thinking about the consequences. And this is an important commandment to learn by heart.
Never disrespect any computer.
A computer does not have life, but IT’s teaching their kids to respect the computers. It is an excellent source of information, and IT Support Portland professionals know the value of this device and always show respect whenever they use it for work.

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