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IT Support Portland Professionals Discussed Web Development

One of the jobs of IT Support Portland professionals in web development. So if you are curious about this aspect of internet technology, then you should pay attention to this post. We will talk about the cycle of web development, as well as the type of people working on this type of project.

The life cycle of web development

Similar to software engineering, web development also needs to go through different phases involving design and evolution. In a nutshell, web development goes through the following stages:

l Planning

l Analysis

l Design & development

l Testing

l Implementation & maintenance


In the first stage of planning, this phase is all about unmasking what the website is all about. Considerations are needed to be accomplished, such as the web site’s purpose, mainly to answer the question as to why the site needs to be created, whether it is for commercial or personal use. As an IT Support Portland professional, it is also your task to determine the website’s target audience and check what the demographical data is. Additionally, planning involves figuring out the computing environments, the owner and writer of the web pages, and who the decision-maker is or are. At this stage, acquiring all the necessary information about the website to be created is crucial for the success of web development.


The analysis phase is extremely critical in the life cycle of web development. In this stage, you need to evaluate the whole process, look into every detail of the website, and thoroughly assess the functionality of the website, as well as the potential content. While analyzing, a couple of factors need to be considered, such as the roles of the website users, how important or helpful the contents of the website are to the users and the consideration of possible website utilization such as online orders and payment processing. The analysis stage is indeed crucial for IT Support Portland professionals like you.

Design & development

The design and development aspect of web development is categorized into two parts, which are logical and physical. The rational design is all about the holistic structure of the soon to be a web site, while the physical aspect deals with how the web site will look. Of course, the web developers need to ensure that the appearance of the web site is suitable for the purpose and content of the site. 


Testing is a stage in web development where no mistake must be made. Close and keen attention to detail must always be exercised since failure in the testing process can lead to the failure of the website. In this phase, there are a couple of considerations that you need to think about, which are:

n Readability, compatibility, and accuracy of the page content

n Functionality in terms of producing the desired result of the web searches, precision of the web development process, and the general functionality of the web site

n Utter usability of the website, and whether or not the products and services are truly useful to the user

n As an IT Support Portland professional, you know that a website needs complete information for the users, so the testing process involves this phase

n User-friendly interface is extremely significant in the web development process, which includes the links, scrolling option, and other important elements in website navigation

Implementation & maintenance

This stage of web development is what the website owner is waiting for. It is time to launch the new website for all the world to see. Of course, the site can only be established on the internet after all the necessary steps are accomplished, and the testing proved to be a success. And after the website is launched and becomes live int the web, it is the duty of IT Support Portland professionals to maintain the quality of the website and to make sure that black hat hackers cannot penetrate and exploit the site.  

Web development team

No web site can ever be created without a web development team. These experts are mostly ITs who are focused on this type of work. Let us meet them all.

Web page designer

The main responsibility of the web page designer is to transition the text into another format, which is called HTML documents. 

Writer and/or editor

The writer or editor of the web pages has the role of filling up the website with informative data that are relevant to the users. 

Multimedia developer

A website that is devoid of animation or any other forms of fun and visual aid is completely boring. That is why a multimedia developer is much needed in the web development process. The task includes creating animation, 2D or 3D models, digital audio or video, and many more media elements.

Graphic designer or artist

The web designer or artist has an important role in doing. He/she is in charge of the creation of logos for the website, as well as design the theme for the site. The responsibility includes producing photos and visual arts to make the user feel welcomes. As an IT Support Portland professional, you can do this job rather well.

Web programmer

You need to have advanced and superior knowledge about programming languages in order to qualify as a web programmer. Your familiarity and expertise with VRML, JavaScript, and Perl are extremely needed for this job. Without these programming languages, you can never accomplish your task in web development. And so you need to know how crucial your role is in the creation of websites.


The job of a webmaster is crucial to the success of the whole process of web development. Your role involves the overseeing and management of the people, tools, and resources involved in the creation of a web site. Aside from the technical skills, you also need to have people skills. You need to know how to manage everything and learn how to make split seconds decisions as an IT Support Portland professional.

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