IT Support Portland

IT Support Portland Getting Along Well With Your Fellow Workers

Working for an IT support Portland company means that you have co-workers who also have the same responsibilities as you. You all handle clients of your company and take care of their cybersecurity in order to prevent black hat hackers from breaching the networks and systems of your clients. And though all of you have the same tasks, it cannot be avoided that there rise competition in the employees, regardless if it is a competitive one or a friendly competition only. People have different personalities, so it is not impossible for two or more IT support specialists to butt heads and be envious of the skills of others. But, as a profession IT support, you need to make sure that maintain your cool, and stay professional with your dealings with your fellow IT support Portland specialists. Be a good example to your colleagues, and always excuse yourself from any inter-office issues. In this post we will talk about the methods you can do to perfectly well with other IT support specialists.

Do not take sides

In case there are fights in the office among your colleagues, always recuse yourself and never take sides. It is quite normal for the parties involved to seek approval and sympathy from people in the office, but you must not add accelerant to the fire by siding one party. You can either stay out of it and do nothing, or try to settle things among you colleagues. After all, you are working for the same IT service company, and discord within the organization is not good for the company. All of you are supposed to work together, and not against each other. Try to remind your IT support Portland colleagues of that, and be the instrument of peace, rather than make the fire stronger. And if you do not want to get involved, then discreetly call HR or the management and let them know what is going on so things can be settled.

Do not listen or start gossips

Office gossip is always present in every office, regardless of the kind of industry. This cannot be avoided and it is not possible to completely get rid of, but you can choose not to become a member of the gossip circle and instead just concentrate on your work. Set a good example to your colleagues, and stay away from gossips. Do not listen to them, and do not start one. By not involving yourself with gossips, your co-workers will respect your decision, and you avoid getting entangled with nasty fights once gossips come out and people are impacted and angry. And so you can indeed work well with others if you stay clear from malicious gossips and mind your own business.

Follow company rules

It is true that not all company rules are followed by the employees, but do not be one of those hard headed employees who thinks they are better than their bosses. Be a good IT support Portland professional by following the rules, no matter how you disagree with them. Company rules are setup by people who have the money, guts, and resources to build their own IT support company. They have the right to set the rules, and as an employee you have no right to bend them. If you want to create your own rules, then start your own company. But since you are an employee, follow your superiors and get well with your co-workers and bosses.

You need to understand that when you start breaking the company rules, the IT support specialists who are religiously setting a good example will not like you. Your co-workers will think that you are a show off and you are not a bad influence to them. So follow the rules of the company in order to get along properly with your fellow IT support specialists.

Excel in your work and stay humble

Do your job excellently and show your co-workers and bosses how good you are at IT work. However, stay humble and avoid rubbing your greatness in the face of your colleagues. They will respect you better as an IT support Portland professional if you are humble and not boast about your successes at all times. Doing so will make your colleagues think that you are making them intentionally feel inferior to you. And that will definitely not win you any friendly point. But if you stay humble and continue to do your job wisely, your co-workers will learn to respect you as an IT and a human being. By having this humble trait, you can easily become a favorite among your co-workers and bosses.

Lend a helping hand

In some ways, you are competing with your co-workers. There is always a chance for promotion, but not all employees are given the chance to get it. So if you are an ordinary IT support Portland professional right now, you need to work harder to level up. And your colleagues are actually doing the same thing in order to become superior than others. But, even if this is the case, you must not hesitate to lend a helping hand whenever your co-workers need help. Provide the assistance they need, but of course do not do it all the time to the point that you are already doing their jobs for them. Work well with your fellow employees by being that person who readily helps when needed.

Do not be a kiss ass

No employee is more hated than those who kiss ass their bosses. So if you want to win the congeniality and most loved awards, then never become a kiss ass. Show utter respect to your bosses, but never do anything on the sides that you think will leverage you among your co-workers. Instead, work harder to become the best in your field, and you will surely catch the attention of your bosses the right way as IT support Portland professional.

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