IT managed service

White Glove IT Support: How To Find An IT Team

White Glove IT Support is undoubtedly a craze in the IT industry and in all other sectors in the world. The managed services provider or MSPs are offering this kind of service because the white glove method means that clients are more likely to obtain the benefits from the information technology professionals since they are sure that customer handling is top-notch, paired with the most exceptional IT support in the land. Indeed, a white glove support focuses on the services and relationship between the IT support company and the clients. It covers all bases, so there is little, if not zero, room for error. But how do you find the best ITs that can cater to a white glove support? In this post, we will have the answers to your question.
Referrals From Other Companies
Suppose your business has not dealt with an outsourcing of IT support in the past. In that case, you may not have extensive experience in dealing with a managed services provider and the information technology professionals who handle the support. And now that you are looking for a White Glove IT Support, it is best to get some referrals from other companies that have tried this type of service. It is actually best to hear the recommendations from business people whom you know, so you can be sure that they are telling you the truth and has nothing to gain from referring the MSP to your business. But of course, once you get the referrals that you need, you need to do your thorough research and check out the MSPs before you make the decision.
Access MSP Website
Make it a point always to check the website of the managed services provider that you are eyeing. You can learn a lot from their blogs, home page, and every page of the site. Read everything that is found on the website, and check how they provide the best White Glove IT Support. From the site’s pages, you can uncover many things like what kind of IT services does the MSP offers, what are their mission and vision, their plans for the future, what their clients think about them, how they provide the support that their clients need, and many more. Simply put, get to know the managed services provider first before you take advantage of their offered services and support. Pay close attention to the reviews and ratings from old, new, and current clients. You can also go the extra mile and contact the companies that left reviews and verify the information with them about the MSP. By doing so, you get to hear firsthand how the managed services provider and their information technology professionals handle a white glove service.
Seek Out Past & Current Clients Of The MSP
No matter how excellent the company website is of the MSP, it is still better to have a talk, chat, or email conversation with their past and new clients. This process allows you to hear from the source what kind of MSP you are planning to hire for your business for a White Glove IT Support. You can, of course, ask for references from the MSP itself, but you know full well that they will give you only their best clients or the companies that they know will speak of only good things about them. So yes, contact those references and get all the information you need. But do your research as well and find out about their other clients. Once you have the list, turn on your detective side and search for the good and bad about the MSP. And then weigh your options when it comes to White Glove IT Support. For sure, you will uncover both good and bad. You just need to use your own experience to see what is truth and what are lies. Always remember that there are always two sides to the story, so do not be one sided. Be fair in your judgment, and make your decision according to facts derived from all parties.
Have A One On One Talk With The MSP
It is best that when you are advancing in your decision to hire a managed services provider to have a one on one talk with the head of the company. As both of you are in a similar managerial role, you can both address without any reservation and be upfront about the kind of white glove service that you expect from an MSP and their wise information technology professionals. Make things clear, set the right expectations, and see if there is a chance that you can actually build a good relationship, even friendship, with the MSP in order to serve your company better well. Keep in mind that the main idea of a White Glove IT Support is to start a good business relationship with the MSO and the clients, since it is part of the strategy to make the clients ultimately happy and satisfied with the IT support, regardless of the level of services that you will require. Indeed, a good and open communication plays a massive part in this process. So make it a point to be open, honest with what you need, and outright with your needs and expectations.
Visit The MSP Office
Before you take the final step and sign a contract to have a team of information technology professionals to handle your cyber security, network security, and other technical needs, take the time to visit the office of the MSP. It is best to find out f the workplace is using state of the art equipment, hardware, software, and everything else required for IT support. See for yourself how the setup of the company is presented, and of course, meet the ITs who will manage your cyber security or other IT services you will sign up for. It is crucial to see for yourself the kind of environment that ITs work in as they perform the most excellent White Glove IT Support.

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