Cyber Security Portland

Cyber Security Portland Ways to get a Job

When you have a deep passion for network or system security, it is quite understandable that would want to get a job in cyber security Portland. That is actually one of the best in-demand and sough-after jobs in this ever evolving technological world. And if you play your cards right, working in this industry can lead to a financially stable future for you and your whole family. So you need to learn what you need to do in order to achieve your dreams. In this post we will go through the necessary steps that will lead you into becoming someone who works for the cyber security department of a prestigious company.

Achieve a degree

Of course, your journey towards your ultimate goal starts with a degree. You must have a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, or in Computer Science, or in Cyber Security, or something related. Many companies will not hire applicants without a degree, though some will settle for an associate’s degree. No matter how good you are with computers and coding and everything about digital system and network, you will never land a job in cyber security Portland without a degree. So earn your degree either through a university, college, or accredited programs. Once you are a degree holder, you are one step closer to your goal.

Gain experience

The job of your dreams is not easy to achieve, and many companies, organizations, government offices, security firms, requires you to have experience in the field of cyber security before they even consider you as a qualified applicant. Consider gaining the experience while you are still in school, or after graduation. There are so many volunteer work programs regarding cyber security that you can take part of. You can participate in internship programs that are set by the government, and do volunteer work. All your hard work before and after your get a degree will be paid of once you qualify for a position in cyber security Portland. You can then use your experiences to leverage yourself against other job applicants.

Get certification

Now that you have a degree in cyber security or related courses, you can now earn your certification to get a job. Always remember that you have less chances of getting even an entry level position in the cyber security industry if you have zero certification. Cyber security certifications include Certified Information Security Manager or CISM, Systems Security Certified Practitioner or SSCP, and Certified Information Privacy Professional or CIPP. And the most crucial certification that you absolutely need to get is the Certified Informational Security Professional or CISSP. The CISSP is what most cyber security Portland companies are looking for in their applicants. It is a cutting-edge certification where you cannot quality to take the test without the CISM, so it will be very beneficial for you to acquire the CISSP certification. Once you secure this certification, you can be sure that you will be earning a lot of money once you join a cyber security team.  

Acquire a security clearance

You need to understand that if you truly wish to land a great job in the field of cyber security, you need to get a security clearance in order to qualify for the job. There is an absolute need for a security clearance because you will be dealing with extremely confidential data that could prove crucial to the success of a private company or government institution. You will be handling information that could destroy security firms, government offices, and multinational companies, so of course you need to have security clearance before you qualify for a job in this industry. Plus, having a security clearance means that you get a high paying job as part of a cyber security Portland company. And once you have this important badge in your name, you become an attractive candidate for a cyber security position.

Apply for a job in cyber security that you have a degree, experience, certification, and security clearance, you can now apply for a job in the industry that you want. You must meticulously find a company, organization, private or public sector, and other types of business that is looking for someone to work for their cyber security Portland team and make a huge a difference in the company. Even if it is your first time to get a job in this field, you still need to choose carefully where you want to work. Always remember that your first job could make or break your next job, especially if you are planning to move up towards bigger employers. It is important to make a great impression on your next job, and you will not be making a name of yourself if your first job is with a company that does not have a good reputation in the industry.

Take care of your job

When you have finally landed a good job at a reputable and trustworthy company, you must do your excellent best to take care of your job. Prove your worth by working harder than anyone else. Show the people who trust you enough to hire you that you are more than capable of handling your position. Keep your head down, and make sure to follow instruction properly, and make sure that make it a point to learn from your superiors. Do your best to get along with your peers in the cyber security Portland department, and avoid any scandals, or fights, or misunderstandings that could stain your name. And if you do good and stay humble and not cross your bosses, then you have a huge chance of climbing the ladder of success much faster.


Your role in the cyber security field is a crucial one that needs proper education, training, and skill to achieve. You have a bright future in the cyber security Portland if you continue to evolve and learn new tricks along the way. You just need to perform better and have a great future in your job as Cyber Security Portland.

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