Analyzing and Understand Malware Proves Challenging for Organizations

The issues facing malware analytics for SMBs

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Malware has long proven an obstacle for even the best of organizations, a common problem for individuals and major businesses alike. Even federal agencies also struggle with malware, in part caused by stumped malware analysis.

The obstacles presented by insufficient malware analysis are caused by a handful of factors: lack of tools, the difficulty of training staff, and the challenge of locating IT experts with knowledge in malware analysis and defense. Because of this, organizations cannot locate and resolve malware intrusions in a practical fashion. And, in a time where remote services and infrastructure are now widely used, malicious resolution and training are more important than ever.

What are the biggest obstacles to malware training and compliance right now?

As we mentioned before, it’s the discovery, training, and retention of IT security experts presenting some of the toughest obstacles for malware defense and analysis. As a whole, there are shortages of security-ready staff. One reason for this trending issue is that companies, people, and organizations rely on technology more and more. As such, their need for defense and analysis also scales. However, the problem is readily apparent: lack of needed staff means scaling for malware analysis demands is difficult.

In a negative reciprocating effect, lack of proper analysis exacerbates the malware problem, translating to burnout. Burnout has several causes and complications due to malware adding to the frustration. Worse, however, is the cascading effect of burnout, which lowers performance in general (especially malware analysis and awareness). The cycle starts over, with an increased chance to suffer a malware attack, leading to increased burnout, and so on. A fatigued staff, essentially, can’t protect information and data as efficiently when dealing with burnout.

Then comes the problem with tools for malware analysis. Though continuously evolving, if analysis-based malware tools lack efficiency and automation, they fall short.

Malware analysis tools can also lack integration, meaning they conflict with an organization’s current apps/software, or at the least, are difficult to use. Some tools for malware analysis do not create a complete enough picture for adequate decision-making, increasing the likelihood of malware intrusions. Without the ability to identify and resolve attacks, networks are bludgeoned by downtime and worker burnout. Complications can continuously occur and open up an SMB’s network for additional attack types (like ransomware intrusions).

With mounting problems, what are things one can do to confront these issues?

MSP-based resolutions for malware analysis and problems

Getting staff up to speed on effective malware defense is mission-critical. But that doesn’t address the shortage of cybersecurity experts, nor does it tackle the hurdles presented by clunky malware analysis tools.

With complications created by current trends and the digital climate as a whole, it’s difficult to reconcile those problems while maintaining the standard workflows.

Therefore, turning to a managed service provider is a viable option. MSPs are organizations capable of delivering remote infrastructure to enterprises in need.

An MSP has:

  • Trained expert staff ready to analyze and account for malware threats
  • Backup options at the ready and agile set-up virtual services
  • Infrastructure creation and support
  • General IT support

Versus the problems presented by malware analysis:

  • Lack of experts and necessary IT staff/staff shortages
  • Worker burnout
  • Inability to identify, correct, and resolve malware attacks

With malware threats always advancing, it’s critical to find the best ways to analyze and defend against them.

Bytagig is an MSP. If you’d like to learn more, contact us today.

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