Achieving success with a new year’s resolution list

Hit those goals for 2022

Photo of Fireworks Display

I don’t think any of us will look back at 2021 with much fondness. In fact, the year felt like an extension of 2020, an equally tumultuous year. Havoc wreaked by the COVID pandemic caused numerous societal and global changes, of which we’re still dealing with today. Thus, into the next year, it can feel daunting to manifest any positive feelings going forward.

And then comes the tried and true “new years resolution” schtick. Oh, come on Doug, I hear you think, you’re really doing one of those articles? Yes and no. Resolutions are a mechanism for improvement, this we know, and everyone likes to voice their thoughts on them. But really, if you wanted mine, I like to think of them as small, reasonable goals. Dispel with the idea that “this is your year.” All years are your years, it just depends on what we do with them.

So, despite what you do, what are surefire ways to hit resolution goals?

Like I said, reasonable

There’s no faster way to “failure” than setting up impossible goals for yourself. I don’t mean dream-like scenarios either, such as “this year I’ll be 100k richer.” I mean ones that sound reasonable, like, losing weight. Any task is fit with challenges and turmoil, that’s why goals should be reasonable and attainable.

Want to lose weight? Set it a loss of 5 pounds, instead of 50. Not only is this mentally easier to achieve, it’s also just that, achievable. By aiming for a smaller goal that you do achieve, you accomplish so much. You prove to yourself you have the discipline to meet goals, and you find a system that works for said goal.

Understand the “why”

Getting a handle on your goal(s), as in “why are you doing it,” is a big part of said goal’s success. The reasons will help motivate you and keep you focused. Having a goal is nice and all, but as an idea, it’s easier to attain. Knowing why you want to do it helps put some fuel in the engine, so to speak.

List out those objectives

Seeing is believing. Another reason to keep your resolutions small and manageable is so you can do a lot of them. Nothing will make you feel greater than knocking off numerous goals you set for yourself. Therefore, putting them on a list really helps. It’s both organizational and a reminder. It teaches you personal lessons about “getting to the finish line,” or rather, what you did to achieve that resolution, how you made it work, and so on.

Seeing yourself cross them off, one by one, will fill you with a justified sense of accomplishment, encouraging you on to the next resolution.

Patience is key

Now above all, the big one is patience. It doesn’t matter the goal, because curveballs get thrown our way all the time, even for simple stuff.

Back to the weight-loss example. “This month I’m losing 3 pounds!” Oh no! But then you got sick, and you had to recover for a week, and your sudden focus and rhythm was thrown off and now you’re back into “the routine” without even realizing it!

Yeah, life happens a lot. But don’t be harsh on yourself. Good intentions are wrought with peril. Accept that a resolution can come with a few asterisks, and it’s the getting back up part which makes all the difference.

No matter the resolution, one or many, know that it can be achieved. But it’s all about creating reasonable expectations, meeting each challenge with patience and discipline, and achieving those goals. Once you do, it’s kind of like unlocking a personal superpower.

-Douglas James

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