2022 IT and Cyber Trends

The coming trends for 2022 and beyond

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As a new year approaches, part of staying ahead of the curve is just that: staying ahead. Therefore, getting a grasp of potential IT, cybersecurity, and technology-relevant trends is a sure way to remain competitive (and stable). Take a glance at Bytagig’s 2022 trend predictions and keep up with our blogs for the latest info.

Remote-Work Permanence

With the COVID pandemic proving a great challenge to overcome, intermixed with shifting economies and demand for better worker conditions, expect remote working to stick around, permanently. Remote work provides digital agility and rapid infrastructure from basically anywhere. While it has challenges to face in the security department, its popularity can’t be ignored.

But speaking of security. . .

Increase in Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware won’t take a hint and leave. But the reality is, it’s extremely effective for gangs and threat actors. It makes profit, the entry barrier for new attackers is very low, and offerings for RaaS/phishing kits have expanded its accessibility. In fact, despite global efforts to fight ransomware, we’re likely headed for the worst of it in 2022.

Everyone, from casual users to professional enterprises should take all the necessary precautions to remain “attack aware.”


Automation, machine learning, and smart machines are not new concepts, some of which we’ve talked about as far back as 2020. But seeking to cut down on redundant, grindy tasks is key for business productivity. Allowing staff and management to focus on important work vs. repetitive tasks is, obviously, fantastic for efficiency.

Difference being for 2022 (and onward) is a combination of these automation standards, combining them into a cohesive system for tech leaders.

Data Speeds, Backup, and 5G

The integration of remote working, data backups, and greater data yields calls for increased speed all around. 5G and improved network speeds will play an integral role in shaping network possibilities. 5G will slowly become the new standard for wireless speeds, especially with “work anywhere” environments. While 5G adoption won’t happen all at once, it’s the vanguard for enhanced internet speeds in general.

Hybrid Work and Cloud Models

As we shift into the future of production and work, it’s clear we’ll need both remote and hybrid environments. With that necessity comes the reliance on hybrid cloud models. Before, the cloud was used in certain circumstances, but with today’s increased demand for virtualized environments, it will be a staple rather than a gimmick.

Demand for Privacy and Data Protection

You will notice big trends for 2022 and onward detail a lot of online integration, remote worker setups, and faster data speeds. Because of this, and the rise of malware/ransomware attacks and associated gangs, protecting our personal information is a bigger desire than ever.

Not only will demand for software and integrated security tools become a popular topic, but so too will we see it as a design philosophy for ground-floor operations. In other words, when building software, designing work strategies, and otherwise engaging in remote environments, privacy concerns will enter the conversation as a top priority.

These are a handful of fascinating trends we’ll see develop over the course of 2022 and beyond. Got some ideas for trends yourself? Comment and let us know!

You can get more information about IT trends by contacting Bytagig today.

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