
Trends and growth of Cloud Computing for 2021 and onward

How cloud computing will continue to change

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Cloud computing services operated as the unsung hero during the COVID-19 pandemic, assisting thousands with rapid adoption of remote infrastructure. Even before then, however, cloud computing was a powerful tool with various offerings and services capable of adding much needed agility to legacy infrastructure, IT environments, and cybersecurity.

As such, we can easily see it rocketing in use within the incoming years, both from necessity and adaptability as a powerful technology. Those advancements in cloud computing will nestle comfortably in modern business models, even those with legacy infrastructure. Question is, is it right for you?

To postulate this, we’ll examine some growing trends regarding cloud computing.

Cloud Computing is Growing

First off, look at the numbers. Specifically, the dollar sign. It’s no surprise that during and after the pandemic remote platforms and services saw a boom. That’s carried over to cloud computing services, which have jumped in value and revenue gains.

Globally, cybersecurity has seen a massive uptick in value. Researchers such as Forrester see Cloud services growing by over 30 percent and reaching a world value of easily $130 billion. Reasons for this growth stem from remote adoption and increased utilization of IT services and devices. Additionally, cloud computing provides agility and data input, all of which companies are working fast to form reactable results. Spending on cloud sectors has also increased, spurring growth and adaption.

Finally, consider that cloud computing suffered a “trial by fire.” It isn’t to imply cloud services were problematic, but in the face of something so disabling as a worldwide pandemic, cloud computing proved itself as a concept and technology.

Automated Cloud Environments

Unsurprisingly, automation and automated management for cloud environments, multiple or otherwise, will rise in use.

Automation is fast becoming a necessity, even ignoring cloud infrastructure. The sheer level of logistics, data, and security events demands faster response times, most of which are beyond traditional means. Apply this to cloud and you get a similar philosophy.

Cloud and automation, then, will go hand in hand. Both for managing cloud solutions and building cloud infrastructure across multiple platforms.

Emphasis (or lack of) on security Cloud and Cloud Privacy

With data, tools, and cloud platforms come security risks, of course. All this innovation won’t amount for much if cloud solutions aren’t secure. Given, the rapid growth of attacks and sophistication, it’s of prime importance to keep data encrypted when navigating information to and from cloud platforms.

How providers manage cloud security and optimize their services for security integration and data protection remains to be seen. But in the long run, it will be necessary and a decisive factor in cloud computing use.

Multi-Cloud Implementation

Another trend entering into the foray of cloud computing usage is multi-cloud implementation. Since the inception of cloud platforms, the idea has circled around one major provider of cloud-based services.

Collaboration tools and methods may soon become commonplace, especially among the major providers (Google, Amazon, Microsoft).

Entertainment Media and Cloud Services

Unsurprisingly, cloud and entertainment media has been a popular combo. Cloud services allow for streaming of popular media, specifically games media. The convenience of cloud services with entertainment is that a user only needs a stable broadband connection and system to run the service at a stable level. It’s convenient for those on a budget or who lack the hardware.

As cloud computing evolves in scope and capability, services like these will continue to appear and evolve.

Cloud Computing and Onward

It’s clear cloud computing will play an important role in the modern world. With greater need for agility, automation, and network flexibility, cloud services will appear as a viable solution. How that coincides with cybersecurity and protection of personal information, however, remains to be seen.

Want to learn more about networking services? You can contact Bytagig for additional info.

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