
Maintaining Privacy in the Online World

Keeping Your Private Info Save in the Digital Age

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It’s critical to keep your private info safe.

One of the unfortunate realities a person faces is the near or total loss of privacy in the online world. In the earliest days, concepts like MySpace and Facebook were seemingly benign. Just fun social networks to get to know people in a faster, convenient environment.

Today? We’re spread across the internet and our digital footprint is everywhere. In some ways, we’ve done this willingly through the aforementioned social platforms. In other ways, we didn’t have a choice. Visiting a website, for instance, loaded our browser with a tracker. A tracker is a type of software designed to track your activity on the website, monitor behavior, and see where you go once you leave the website.

Understanding the tracker

Does that sound odd? It would be like visiting your favorite restaurant, only to be monitored every step of the way until you exit the building.

On paper, trackers and concepts like them are benign, simply used as a metric for companies to measure client engagement. In other words, they want to see if their advertising methods are effective and understand your decision making process to more efficiently fine tune their approach and make that big sale. It’s such an honest sounding concept, isn’t it? But, if the world were perfect, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Today, loss of privacy is more common and it’s not odd for you to imagine your personal information is stored somewhere, without your consent. Or, maybe you’re now realizing the idea of someone or something having all your personal info is an uncomfortable concept. Maybe you don’t want search engines compiling every little thing you do to tailor an “algorithm” you had no consent to.

Fixes and ways to protect your privacy

This, and scenarios like it, are all too commonplace, and it’s getting harder to maintain a sense of true privacy. While you can certainly shield yourself from identity theft, what about the businesses, endless websites, and companies who have partitions of your info? Well, if the thought makes you uncomfortable, we have a few strategies to reduce your “digital footprint” and get a sense of security back:

It’s difficult clinging to aspects of privacy in the modern age. Digital information moves so fast, it’s hard to keep up, and it doesn’t help that methods are constantly being developed to parse through how you “think” online, legal or otherwise.

Hopefully, some of our ideas give you the tools to protect yourself and further secure your sensitive information. If you want to learn about additional methods, you can contact us at Bytagig.

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